Canadian Forum nonsense

Posting in Just for Fun, as I realize the Canadian forum only affects a couple of us, and is really just a rant.
Normally the Canadian forum doesn’t have too much going on, compared to US. And the Mods are pretty good overall about helping where they can. But today they are being as ridiculous as those polls.

Seller Challenges.

Hello all Sellers,

We would love to know what challenges you have faced or are still facing as a seller. Additionally, is there anything you’d like to improve, but don’t know how to?

Seller Challenges. (

I typed out a reply, but have not posted it yet. I’m letting it simmer until I see if I don’t feel as much like just wanting to scream later and a cooler head will prevail. It starts this way:

“Surely you jest. I usually try to not use snark on the forum mods, but come on. Seriously?!?! What do they call this nonsense in your job description? Because you personally in the past have seemed like a sensible mod, helping when you can, I’m sure this was not your idea.”


I agree with the attitude. I try to not read therefore not respond to most of that kind of crap from Amazon. But this one really ticked me off:

Discover how to get quick and accurate answers from our Support team

(a seven point sermon)

Implying that the reason nobody gets any help from Support is that we don’t ask right.


There are several excellent responses posted to the NSFE OP now, but I didn’t see that a mod has replied anywhere. :roll_eyes:

I know it’s the CA forum, but almost everything (except Seller Support not speaking French) applies to US, too.

Again, really great responses…and no replies from Amazon.


Same old same old. I do like the CA forum for having fewer posters, as there is much less gnashing of teeth for no good reason, with one exception.

I did not post my “response” in the end. I’m trying to spend less time reading the forums there. It is both a time sucker and a bit depressing. I find pretty much any USA platform news right here at SAS! And the CA has so little action, one can breeze through every other day or so and be caught up.