Can't read notifications on Amazon forum.

Hi! For several days now I get told I have new messages, they have the blue dots by the person sending them to me, but I cannot view them. I posted this issue and got a response several hours ago, but of course, could not open it to read the advice. :crazy_face:


(This issue is on Amazon sellers forum, not here)


Well, @suzq48, Iā€™m definitely flummoxed because I thought and/or for the past year, the NSFE didnā€™t allow PMs. :grimacing::thinking:

Gonna tag some folks who onboarded to NSFE (I think?) since I did not: @oneida_books @dwat0870 @Lost_My_Marbles @Nutty_Nuisance @joebcrafts @Brigitte @HobbesIsMyTiger @Image @ModernSwitch @Haegan2005 @Tandi @RiverRetail @TCLynx

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there is no messagingā€¦would have to be some odd bug

Hold it, title says ā€œNotificationsā€ then OP states ā€œMessagesā€. I assume you meant the notifications wont show?

They are doing something on the notifications today, mine are formatted differently than they used to beā€¦


Check your preferences

And as @bookwormapril noted ā€¦ click on the blue text link to read or view ā€¦
Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 13-56-21 Forums Notifications

Finally, it could be a browser issue where you need to update the browser, restart (refresh) the browser and/or clear your history and cookies.


@suzq48 can you please screenshot and post the image here? (blocking out NSFE handles, of course)


Nope. No PMā€™s yet.

I believe you mean here on the "Notifications Tab on the NSFE, as @bookwormapril mentions and @Lost_My_Marbles shows in his postā€¦ All mine are read so I have no blue dots to the right

For these you click on the blue linked text to go to the

Mine changed a while ago. No sure I like the new format.


Yes, our notifications are simple and do not include communication with other sellers.

They are things like ā€œVotesā€ and being ā€œMentionedā€ by other sellers or NSFE Staff.


Must be on my computerā€¦canā€™t take a screen shot either (and do know how)ā€¦I have used the forums many many times and the issue is when I go to click on new notifications ( those I have not read) there is no way to see the text of the new notification, no matter where I click. There is a solid blue dot next to the sender of unread items but no way to open them. I will try to get help with the computer company that rescues me online and let you know if I get it fixed. Thanks for your efforts!


Iā€™m having a hard time figuring out exactly where you are seeing any blue dots BUT there seems to be a sporadic ā€˜glitchā€™ in the ā€™ Notificationsā€™ tabs lately.

I just marked all of mine as read so I canā€™t show you the error BUT what I have seen is the notice saying I have some but clicking on ā€œAllā€ does NOT show them.

I accidentally clicked on the ā€œunreadā€ tab and there were several that showed up that were days old!

Only AMAZON could find a way to decide that old, unread messages should NOT be included in the ā€œALLā€ tab!


I gave up on ā€˜screen shotsā€™ and now do a section copy ā€“

windows key+shift key+ā€˜sā€™ key and size the cursor to show what I want to copy. Then just hit control+v to paste!


Thanks everyone. For whatever magical reason, it fixed the issue when I cleared all the history on Safari and restarted Amazon.


Yep ā€¦


Being in Imaging, I never tried that, I always use print screen, then paste that into photoshop.

I tried your ā€œWinā€ plus ā€œshiftā€ plus ā€œsā€ key, saves some steps when in a rush.

Known as ā€œSnip and Sketchā€ thanks for the Tip!


Wonderful magical news! :sparkles: