[Columbus Day] USPS closed on Monday; UPS, FedEx open with modified service

Friendly reminder

USPS will be closed on Monday, October 9, 2023, in observance of Columbus Day. You can find all USPS holidays here:

UPS will be open, with some delays:

FedEx will be open, with some service modifications:


Thanks! This would have annoyed me to find out tomorrow.

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I was just about to print tomorrow’s labels. Thanks!

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:sweat_smile: Awesome, @aerides and @wadeorcas! I had forgotten, too, until I went to print labels.

Columbus Day just isn’t on my radar.

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Perhaps had there been radar and GPS (because apparently the stars weren’t enough) back in 1492, there’d be no Columbus Day.

Men, not asking for directions since at least 1492. :crazy_face:

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There are definite advantages to having UPS open while the PO parties.

I was able to take a couple larger items to the UPS Store yesterday and they will be moving already today. In addition I ended up with half a dozen larger items in the afternoon and into this morning that will be going there when I pick up items coming in today. Double edged sword – some items going out but a lot more coming back in. It will be at least two, if not three, car loads of incoming larger items.

In a couple cases I’m shipping out with the Endicia UPS Ground Saver rates that are only a few cents less than GA. Normally they would go USPS but since I have to go to the UPS Store anyway I’ll save a little that way.

Going there yesterday (twice actually) was a love/hate experience since I was stuck in line (rare occurrence on Sunday) behind AMAZON RETURNS both times. Reminded me of why I hate selling on that disaster in waiting… But sales are pretty good at the moment so $$$$$$.

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In our defense … when the world was flat, we didn’t need directions because, once you got to the edge, you simply turned around or fell off … :crazy_face:

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So the lookout in the crow’s nest had “Edge ■■” in is repertoire, he just didn’t get to use it.

Silly word filter… I wasn’t saying lady of the evening.

I read this as “1942” and started to respond that in fact there was radar in 1942… and then I stopped because I need more tea.