Dangle a Carrot and Serve the Slop

Yesterday’s Amazon Post

June 19, 2023

Reminder: Update your information by June 27 for INFORM Act compliance

The INFORM Consumers Act takes effect in the US on June 27, 2023. We encourage you to provide your business information, if you haven’t already, to avoid future disruption to your business, such as withholding of disbursements or, as the law may require, account deactivation.

The INFORM Consumers Act requires us to collect, verify, and disclose the identity, bank account, business address, email address, phone number, and tax information of certain third-party sellers.*

Go to Account Health, to check the status of each piece of information required for the INFORM Act. For any requirement that isn’t “Verified” or “In Progress,” click on the links to provide your information.

Our updated Account Health page will reflect any changes in your verification status generally after a few hours. Once all information is verified, INFORM-related banners on your Account Health page will disappear.

We recommend that you submit required information as soon as possible, as verification can take a few days.

For more information, including tips and FAQ on how to submit documents, go to About the INFORM Consumers Act or read INFORM Consumers Act Verification FAQs in the Seller Forums

Thank you to all who have provided their information and shared feedback on the verification process. For verification support, contact Selling Partner Support.

  • The law applies to third-party sellers on Amazon.com who, in any continuous 12-month period during the previous 24 months, have sold 200 or more, new or unused consumer products and have had $5,000 or more in gross revenues.

Dangling the Carrot

Our updated Account Health page will reflect any changes in your verification status generally after a few hours. Once all information is verified, INFORM-related banners on your Account Health page will disappear.

Serving the Slop

We recommend that you submit required information as soon as possible, as verification can take a few days.


Once we get around to verifying the information you provided (a few days & days are not defined), we will update our system in generally few hours (generally = maybe if the stars are in line).

Send out the bomb just before Memorial Day weekend and start the sweep under the rug on Juneteenth weekend. Get ready for the 4th of July fireworks … it’s just two weeks away.


After many years, you display a great familiarity with the Amazonian people’s culture and are quite fluent in Amazonese… :grin:


Well @Dogtamer is here on SAS now, so I’m waiting for him to deliver the official “nailed it”.




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