discord.org amazon hackers

discord. org amazon hackers

"Our Amazon store has been hit by an organized fraud group and I found 2 other stores that also were also targeted. We received 661 orders in 1.5 hours one customer ordered 40x and gave us negative feedback on all of the orders. I have confirmation and proof from the customer that he is one of the members of the group on discord. org and they find or make pricing errors on Amazon, and then all group members go and purchase at the same time, after normal business hours and place as many orders as possible.

Once the seller cancels, they automatically give negative, abusive feedback. The same customer gave us 40 negative feedbacks, gave company B 40, and company C 3. I tied to resolve the issue with the customer and he told me for $3000 he would remove the feed back. This is really hurting our business and I don’t know what to do. I’ve submitted at least 40 cases and they all get closed. I have one case open that was been escalated but it’s been a week and I have not hear back. Seller support did make the order cancellation rate exempt for these orders but will not remove the feedback. We have a life time of negative reviews of 81 which 58 come from this discord group.

Please let me know if this has happened to your store or if you can offer any advice."

The seller seems to have made a pricing error, and I think he is referring to the Reddit FBA DISCORD forum. The OP is lucky Amazon removed the cancellations for their metrics.

There is a language barrier issue here.

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There’s something odd about this. It’s hard to figure out what actually happened due to poor communication skills and missing details, but here goes.

It sounds like the CA guy listed an item on the .com site and hackers managed to take over his selling account and list the same item on the Turkish site at a 99.9% discount.

Then they placed orders in Turkey and left negative feedback and tried to blackmail Mr. CA guy into paying.

But if they had already hacked his account, why not just change his bank account to send his money to them? Or did Amazon make that harder than it used to be?

The language barrier is definitely an issue; the OP said he doesn’t sell or have a Turkey Marketplace Account and hasn’t added a new product in 3 years. In the earlier post, he said the product was added to his account on March 17th and was in Korean.

I asked him about being hacked, but he didn’t comment about that; a Mod has stepped in, so maybe they can get to the bottom of this.

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ASIN Manipulation Hackers

It appears that something similar may have happened here; good luck reading the wall of text … :face_with_head_bandage:



Never Fear! Amazon is here!

Amazon News! - April 28th, 2023

Best practices for Amazon resellers

Seller University is hosting a webinar series on best practices for resellers on May 2, May 3, and May 4. This series is intended for new resellers who want to understand how to optimize their business on Amazon.

In these webinars you’ll learn how to:

  • Match to existing listings
  • Apply to sell in restricted categories
  • Suggest edits to a product detail page
  • Price your products competitively for Featured Offer placement

Each webinar includes a 30-minute Q&A session with Amazon experts. Submit your question ahead of time at the links below to make the most of the Q&A session.

Register now for the webinar on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT.

Register now for the webinar on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT.

Register now for the webinar on Thursday, May 4, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. PT.

I found this an interesting statement when I saw it. I do not consider us an “Amazon Reseller” nor do I consider us a partner.

We are a third party seller.

Amazon Partner <=> Amazon Reseller <=> Third Party Seller

The left is very connected to Amazon, yet it does not exist. The center is not quite as connected but is not independent. The right is independent but connected to Amazon by the demands they put on us according to the contract we signed when we onboarded.


It depends what department initiated the communication, but these terms are all interchangeable from Amazon.

The Amazon communication style guide is non existent.