Don't forget, Festivus is this Saturday!

I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you’re going to hear about it!


Feats of strength will be interesting this year as there’s nobody capable of pinning me.


I might be the biggest Seinfeld fan on the planet.

It was fitting when my first kid was born on 12-23…


Everyone enjoying airing grievances? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nope, only me.

Everyone else is tired of hearing me complain… :sweat_smile:

My BIL is a big seinfeld fan, so I like to get him a festivus gift when I host christmas eve, which, this year, was tonight because of juggling family stuff.

We do stocking stuffers, all white elephants and such. I found a miniature Kramer-Coffee-table-book-with-coasters as Barnes&Noble. Perfect!

“I got a lotta problems with you people!”

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