Ebay: Completed Listings Same Item Extreme Difference in Price Paid, Why?

In doing item research on Ebay, I am consistently running across items that SOLD for $200 or more and the exact same item sold for only $14.99 and both were Buy It Now. Is this a common thing. Do people really pay $200 for a DVD? It was NOT signed or anything. Just curious!!!

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The first thought that crosses my mind in your described scenario is the possibility that some sort of money-laundering scheme might explain it…


Could be money laundering.

Could be a scarce DVD and when there was a buyer the only copy was the $200 copy. Later there were lower priced copies.

There are still buyers who are using OPM - other people’s money and will buy what is available. Sometimes they will buy the high priced item, even when there is a choice.

Human nature is not all good.


I always thought this was a scheme that went on. I think I brought it up in the OSFE and I was shot down as it being a stupid idea.

I have another theory, similar to @lake but on a different path.

We have autistic Grandchildren and when they get fixated on something they must have it. Often these are items that are out of circulation, the parents find a way to get the items at all costs. They also may not understand the concept of drilling down to find the same item. The goal at all costs is to obtain the item the child wants.

Not something we would do however, they do and I understand it.


You see it with beanie babies too. Most are like $3 but then you see a few that are the same ones but sold for a thousand and clearly not worth it but who bought it?? I can only assume it’s just kids accessing parents apps and buying random items? Maybe just a way to move money around from stolen credit cards?

I don’t know anything about eBay, but if an item sold is canceled does it still show up as sold or is it deleted???


I still shows as sold.


I still have hundreds of these from the 90’s all sealed up, waiting for them to go to $4.

Hess Trucks too. Every single one of them from 1980 - Present. New in the box - batteries removed (where applicable).


Part of the collection :arrow_heading_down:


Family photo? …

Explains why the robins were tapping on the window trying to get in …


Wouldn’t have thought you were so selective with inclusion …


There is a scam going on. I first saw it when I researched wheat pennies. Some “sold” for hundreds…others, the exact same, for 5 bucks. Further digging into the “sellers” they all had 0 feedback. they are driving up the “sold price” listings and then throw one out as an “incredible deal” for only half of what the last 4 sold for…it’s sold and paid in minutes, before the buyer realized they got a $4 penny for 300 bucks. Then they are gone.


My kids made more money selling the beanie babies outside the house lol. They were selling them for $5 each and a lot of adults don’t carry change anymore so she would sell 3 for $20 lol. I let them keep half the money…made more than I would selling them on eBay lol.


These are some GREAT answers. I feel so gullible in not thinking it was probably a scam, as weary as I am of scams. The example of zero feedbacks is a sure sign. Thanks SAS!!!