Due to the giant influx of new users there may be a delay in email notifications being sent by the email subsystem. No impact on site preformance!
This has happened in the past and it normally catches up overnight (North America overnight)
Due to the giant influx of new users there may be a delay in email notifications being sent by the email subsystem. No impact on site preformance!
This has happened in the past and it normally catches up overnight (North America overnight)
180 users strong. Nice!
Great job to our leaders here. Thank You for doing what you do
Totally worth it!!
Welcome to all the new users!
I am pleased to be here.
Looks like we had a high level of emails today and there is a backlog, so emails might be delayed. Should clear up overnight
We’ve grown a lot over the last few weeks, and we are straining the email service we use. They are currently throttling us (delayed sending) and I can’t fault them! This normally clears up after 6pm EST.
Looking for longer term options!
They should start to flow again, we are big time people!
315 people strong right now.
QUALITY people. Quality makes the difference!
I’ve also somehow transformed myself into dropping the politics too and stay out of trouble.
That’s a minor-miracle and I hope Papy is proud of me.
I am VERY proud and VERY grateful. I knew you could do it, and now you’re a leader in showing folks how to make it work!
If that is the standard, perhaps you’d care to explain why that rascal Dogtamer was allowed to join?
It wasn’t that hard. There’s a time and a place for it and it’s not here…
Sincere apologies for my past screwups. Pushing the line is one of my bad qualities. lol
Be Well
No word-apology needed. Your actions tell your story better than any words can. Seriously. And thank you.
Guess our computer is a little glitchy today …
Please refrain from promoting image-apologies … there are some things that can not be unseen …