Shoppers spent $15.7 million every minute during the sale’s peak hour, between 10:00pm and 11:00pm EST.
Personally: $0 Black Friday, $44 Small Business Saturday, $0 Cyber Monday.
There weren’t really “deals” on things I need, want or want to give to others.
And despite those high sales numbers, I’ve seen several retailers are “extending” their “sales” for a couple more days…
Yeah, the boon definitely didn’t hit every e-tailer equally, though some of the extended deals seem to be based on successful Cyber 5 sales, rather than lackluster.
Maybe, but it might only be because they didn’t clear out the inventory they’d hoped. One of the ones I was talking about is Rockler Hardware. Their “deals” weren’t really different than normal “sales” they have throughout the year.
The other thing is how many of those Cyber sales were for “commodities” that might have been on “sale” so they were purchased then instead of just any other day? With online purchases becoming almost “common” for a lot of people, what is the baseline?
Certainly different businesses handled their deals very differently.
But hey, I need the 20 pack of razor heads and 8 pack of soap and 12 pack of kitchen sponges now as much as any other time! A deal is a deal, man.
Absolutely, and don’t put it past desperate companies needing to show “record numbers” to keep shareholders happy.
Though to be fair, I personally wasn’t shopping at all during “the sale’s peak hour, between 10:00pm and 11:00pm EST”.
But that’s good info for Sellers who run Cyber Monday deals.
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This is consistent with our sales numbers this CM. Was the highest to date.
The only thing I personally shopped for was for my mom - she wanted a few things and wouldn’t let me buy them when not on sale. So had to wait a week or two purchase them.
Wonder what next year will hold.
Good gawd, thinking about all the things that can happen in a year.
Let’s hope we all make it there, healthy and safe.
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