Etsy and no tracking, is it allowed?

For the Handmade members here, I was wondering if Etsy allows for no tracking like Amazon does. We have sold on Etsy for over 10 years, but we always use tracking.

We have a brand, that ships in a machinable envelope as a “flat” and can go without tracking on Amazon. It is under $10 so that is fine with Amazon and we never get dinged.

Thanks in advance everyone!


Yes. You can mark an item as complete and select ‘This item has no tracking.’


It will affect your Star Seller rating - as in, if you have too many of them you won’t get the ‘Smooth Shipping’ badge. Not sure it really matters much, though.


This is what it looks like - the thing I’ve marked with the red box is actually a button you can click.

ETA: There are tons and tons of people who sell little things (like stickers) on Etsy and mail them with stamps - so no tracking. They had a fit because they couldn’t ever get Star Seller (which used to require all 3 metrics). Etsy resolved it by breaking them out - Timely Replies, Ratings and Smooth Shipping.


We goal to make sure we keep our “Star Seller Rating” though the item highlighted above. has me concerned, “Smooth Shipping”, I had no idea, what that is or was. Somehow I am not sure I want to…

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This is what it looks like:

The target for the shipping metric is 95% on time with tracking.

But - honestly - I think this is just “noise” at this point, and I highly doubt customers even notice. The only consideration is that Etsy claims they don’t use these for search bumps, but they have said they “might” in the future.


Yes, but you are required to purchase the First-Class Mail Envelop Stamp/Label directly through Etsy.

How to Ship First-Class Flats and Letters with Etsy Shipping Labels [link]

Click for additional info on envelope tracking


…to offer First-Class USPS flats and letters with tracking information included. We’re proud to be the only e-commerce shipping label provider to offer this service from Pitney Bowes.

That is very interesting, thank you for that information.

D I think this just made my subscription charges for SAS ( Sellers Ask Sellers ) worth every penny I have paid. :laughing: :wink:


Speaking for all Etsy customers, everywhere: we don’t. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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