Even more "help" from Amazon

Just thinking… :thinking:

If I engage on Twitter, I need not onboard to the NSFE.

Though going to Twitter sorry X, is a entirely different world of exposure. As @Pepper_Thine_Angus has pointed out. Our most popular Twitter account has thousands of followers but is targeted at local events. That exposes us. Our brand twitter accounts expose our brand. Not an issue but does that become self promotion and advertising?

Still :thinking:

The NSFE was to ensure “transparency” and “validity” of sellers.
How can Amazon be sure of whom they are responding/interacting with outside Amazon’s control?


But like everything else on Xwitter, trolls will be injected into that sphere too. They thought the old forums were full of bullies.

I spend WAY too much time on the NSFE and there is a post that I wanted to let Amazon know about but NOT let anyone on the thread know for various reasons.

I tried to open a case to get hold of a MODS since they do use that system for off forum communications and I got THIS for a response –

NOT impressed that they can’t/won’t contact one. And they wonder why removing DM was BOTH a good and a bad idea.

Check out all the substack contact information in this one –

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Mods rarely catch solicitation links …

Guess if you say you are a lawyer, then the mods keep their hands off any link you put in your post and even taunt with “Assuming the mods remove that”.

I tried to open a case to get hold of a MODS since they do use that system for off forum communications and I got THIS for a response

Don’t let them lie to you. There is an email. I haven’t gotten much response from it, but I do think they read it.

Per a support person back in January…

According to our investigation, there is no path for us to contact directly the team of the forum rooms, in this case you can use the email address: [email protected] and explain the situation directly to them. Please take into consideration that the email address has a back load of at least of several days, so please wait patiently for their reply.


Oh boy. I hope that mail box isn’t anywhere near full…:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
Thanks for the address. I will try my best to behave and use it sparingly.:smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Absent my own evidence that such is so, I’d still agree, if on no other score than the fact that you proved able to “offboard” an inappropriately/previously-onboarded NSFE posting account simply by expressing your desire via that vector of attack.

What the Hell is a “Team of the forum rooms” do any support people speak the King’s English, or at least Latin.

We’ve come a long way, baby: