I learned something today… Amazon has lost roughly 1/3 of FBA shipments, all of it on “FC Transfer”, so each shipment appears by shipment number in the inventory ledger as received, scanned, counted, and confirmed, and then is lost (showing a negative number in the inventory ledger) upon transfer to another FC.
So, no question - they misplaced the inventory, so Amazon reimburses me what I’d have made if they sold what they lost.
But one or two shipments were stuck in a loop of denial - they’d keep saying the same boilerplate:
“After our last communication with you on 07/10/2023, you appealed to us to consider the documents that you provided. In response to your appeal, we compared the information you sent to us with the pickup date, delivery date, and parcel counts stated on the delivery documents provided for this shipment. In addition, we searched our systems to confirm that the units described in your claim were not located elsewhere in our network. We found no record of these units being received at, or present in, any of our facilities…
…This concludes our investigation of this matter. Additional appeals related to this claim will not be considered. We appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this process.”
It was like they were ignoring the inventory ledger, despite my repeated references to it.
So, I called, and got a cluefull Amazon rep, who explained that there are TWO separate groups - the “inbound” group and the “FFT” or “transfer” group. I was getting boilerplate from the “inbound” folks. For some reason, my inquiry was not routed to the “transfers” group.
So, if you hit a brick wall, it may help to mention that the “transfers group” should handle your claim. I clearly stated that the inventory ledger showed that the shipment (a single carton) was lost ON TRANSFER, so I don’t know how much clearer I could be, but this is just another handy household hint for dealing with Amazon annoyances.
Punchline - the lost carton contained 48 units… they say they found 63 units. I’m never going to be able to reconcile each and every shipment, all I can do is try to keep a running total of shipped vs FBA sold vs lost.