FBA listing displaying 2 to 3 weeks delivery time and missing PRIME badge

I have a listing with 7 variations. All are showing a PRIME badge except for 1.
This problem 1 is displaying 2 to 3 weeks delivery window. I called seller support 3 times and even posted on seller’s forum to get mod’s help, but to no avail. Mod escalated it but the escalation team just said that they see the PRIME badge on their end.
I sent in 30 units at a time to test. Then I replenished 30 more of each. Every time I send them in, they get spread out, regardless of the small quantity.
But this one ASIN did not get spread out. I guess the “placement fee” doesn’t really mean it will get spread out? I did some digging, and it is at XPH8 (White Haven, PA). I sent it in June of 2024 and didn’t get any sales to date.
I actually have a friend who is less than an hour away from White Haven. I was going to ask him to order one and see if it actually takes 2-3 weeks, or if it even gets delivered. But then he is also an Amazon seller so we didn’t want to take any risks. I have some other friends in PA, but not close to White Haven. I asked the Mod if it is safe to have a friend do a test buy but he said he wouldn’t recommend that.
I want to do this test buy to make sure it is not lost in the warehouse. I can’t grasp the fact that a PRIME item can take up to 3 weeks to deliver regardless of where the item is at and where the customer is located.
I need some advise. Anyone that have had a friend do a test buy? Is this safe?
So let’s say I do this test buy and find out my inventory is actually lost at the warehouse. Will it be safe to call the seller support and tell them the whole story of how I found this out?
Thanks for reading this long thread.


If you do, make sure it’s someone who Amazon can not link to your account, at all. No shared addresses, no shared gift-sending addresses, no shared credit cards or bank accounts, no shared history, no shared internet addresses, etc.

But before you do, can you simply use incognito mode or a VPN to double check that what you see for this item is what any other Buyer would also see?


I followed your advice and did incognito mode. Then changed the “deliver to” zipcode to 18661, which is White Haven, PA - where this XPH8 is. Same result.
So even if the customer is within the same location, they would see delivery date that is 2 to 3 weeks out. I’m getting a strong feeling my inventory is lost…


Maybe check your Inventory Ledger Fulfillment Report


The Inventory Ledger report provides you with a consolidated view of your inventory. The report includes inventory that was received in the fulfillment center, adjustments, and reconciliation events.

The Inventory Ledger report replaced six reports: Daily Inventory History, Monthly Inventory History, Inventory Event Detail, Inventory Adjustments, Inventory Reconciliation, and Received Inventory.

You can view historic and real-time inventory events in the Inventory Ledger report by using the Summary view and Detailed view. For more information, go to the Inventory Ledger report help page and Inventory Ledger report: How to get the information you need.

… or just look in Manage Inventory

I don’t have any FBA inventory these days so I’m not as up on it as I once was.


Thanks for the advise. I checked this before and just checked again and it still says all 30 are at XPH8. It also says Available - 30 in the inventory page.
I’m waiting on a mod to reply to my last post and I’m going to call seller support. FBA item taking 2-3 weeks to deliver doesn’t make sense…


Issue resolved.
I contacted seller support and asked for “manual downstream transfer” from this “XPH8” location. It took a couple of calls though, they wouldn’t do it right away. First, they kept saying it was due to “Promise delivery extension” when this is clearly an FBA inventory and has nothing to do with the promise extension.
I kept telling them that this is an FBA item and “Promise delivery extension” does not apply. Then I asked specifically for a “manual downstream transfer”. It took about 5 days and it was transferred to another location and is now showing the PRIME badge with 2 day delivery.
I did some searching and found couple of posts with the same problem with this location “XPH8”.
Hope this helps if anyone else is having this issue.


I just feel like this should have been obvious and understandable on Amazon’s end. Like…you shouldn’t have to explain this to them.


Exactly. Every time I call seller support, I prepare myself to call several times until they get it right.