FBA Refund - "General adjustment"

So do we ever get any explanation of what happened to prompt a refund from Amazon, given that we lose money on each and every one?

And what’s a “General Adjustment”?

When the wife slaps you on the back of the head?

Had to

Sometimes the temptation is just to great to pass it up.


A general adjustment is generally what’s used by support to give seller’s money away to the buyer when the return period has passed.

:rofl: :arrow_heading_up:


From MY wife, that’s not an “adjustment”, it would be a “concussion”.

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Did you see that on the FBA returns report or somewhere else? Was it for shipping credits. We had one a few weeks ago where the customer paid for expedited shipping and the “general adjustment” was for the shipping cost only.


It says it as the reason in the email you get when a refund is issued.

Sometimes its for shipping only, other times it’s a full refund.

Our people won’t begin compiling last year’s Return Reasons Report for upper-level review until the next business quarter, so barring unforeseen event(s), it’ll be some time before I learn if 2023 is the year that our General Adjustments surpass the 1000 mark since 2011 (that score saw a sharp uptrend in the wake of the infamous 2018 scandal over improper assignments of General Adjustments, suffered another spike in the wake of the maladjustment’s Amazon unwisely embarked upon to address the unprecedented onslaughts fomented by the COVID-19 Crisis scare, and has creeped closer to that mark, for us, for three damn years).

Still, through it all up to this point in time, the % of General Adjustments which are evidentially-attributable to Amazon’s double-entry bookkeeping methodology for shipping services (FBA & FBM alike), for us, remains far north of the 90th percentile.

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Yeah, mine was a full refund, hence my question.

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The short answer here is, no, you will not get any kind of explanation.