The Buy Shipping page give a single date which is the estimated delivery date. Amazon’s Buy Shipping estimated delivery dates often do not mirror USPS’s estimated delivery dates. The order detail page gives an estimated delivery range of dates (a delivery window). The Buy Shipping estimated delivery date has to fall between the order estimated delivery range (window) which means only the shipping services which are estimated to be within that range will appear as an available shipping service to use.
Amazon’s push to get sellers to set 1 day handle times and lower shipping transit times is what causes sellers, who follow Amazon suggestions, to loose the USPS shipping services that they would normally use.
Amazon’s biggest issue is not being able to get USPS’s estimated delivery dates to mirror what USPS actually estimates. Currently, we see Priority Mail estimates that are longer than Ground Advantage on Amazon Buy Shipping. These estimates are clearly wrong as Priority Mail has a faster service level as stated by USPS.
I guess the lesson here is if you provide crappy customer service, Amazon leaves you alone and even strikes out feedback that actually IS your fault, but if you exceed expectations you get messed with and have to scramble to ship things last minute when they move up the deadlines on you.
Well, well…we were changed to 2 day shipping on the 7tho. With no notice from Amz, and our items were manually set to 5 days. I had checked a few items between the 31st and 2nd, and thought we were in the clear. I honestly hadn’t been watching this thread after that, so I missed the Amz’s delay and that manually set products were also being changed.
So, today we’ll be checking all products and restoring out settings. Has anyone heard of/experienced an issue of handling reverting againg after manually updating post-bot strike?
Side rant…Amz couldn’t see fit to email me that they were changing my settings without my knowlege to “delight the customer”, but they could send me SIX emails in the last 15 minutes…the same 15 minutes that I spent typing my rant of them changing my settings!
Our friend @Sundance has alluded to using leverage of FEEDs APIs several times in recent years, but if you’re not doing that, I’d second our friend @MissMeliss recommendation of using the APvU Dashboard.
They changed all of my items, custom made to order, from 6 days to 2.
The only reason I know is that I got an order a little while ago and I am supposedly going to ship it tomorrow.
Time of year doesn’t matter. They shouldn’t be manipulating listings ever.
Imagine the absolute mess my business would be in if I had gotten even a mere 20 orders before I noticed the problem. That’s the kind of stress that kills people. I go from ecstatic about orders coming in to dread during Thanksgiving to Black Friday and that is when I know (well at least used to) that I have given myself more than a week (set the production to 10 days for the rush) to get them all done. If this had been 2 weeks from today, I’d have a nervous breakdown knowing that I would need to try and get all those orders done in 2 days.
Think again! Many sellers (like myself) are complaining that this update affected sellers with SKU level handling time (mine was 4 days) in error. Many of our listings are being set to 2 days. I suspect that is actually “set to our default handling time” which for some sellers could be 1 day (if you generally ship other items with default lead times “too fast”: no good deed goes unpunished).
My inventory management program pushes my inventory, price, and handing time to Amazon multiple times per day, so even if Amazon did change my individual SKU handling times, I would still be relatively safe.
However, as I said in at the start, I believe Amazon is only going to get more aggressive and demanding regarding third part sellers’ handing times and shipping metrics and I’m strong opposed to these changes.
Same here, and this is making me so grateful for it having that feature. I can’t believe they messed with SKU level handling times after they said that they wouldn’t. The last email they sent about it said:
For SKUs where you have historically taken more than 1-day to handle orders, and have not set a SKU-specific Handling Time, Amazon will automatically set a 2-day SKU-specific Handling Time for you, which will override your Default Handling Time.
They then even gave you steps on how to set your SKU level handling time ahead of the change. What a up.