That’s true,except for FBA. Sellers on the individual plan are eligible with FBA (at least with books)
Have dental surgery. It worked for me.
Sales were going through the doldrums for multiple weeks, then had 1.5 teeth removed and a bone graft implanted on May 3rd. I came home, napped for a few hours, then awoke to find FIVE TIMES my usual orders.
Fortunately the 3rd was a Friday, and I was able to pack and ship on Monday. ( I actually took them to the PO on Tuesday. Please don’t tell Amazon )
Even more fortunately, the dentist had prescribed oxycodone for pain. He didn’t specify the cause.
If I become a junkie, it is Amazon’s fault.
EDIT: Acually, it happened again, one week later. Amazon has decided that I should work on Fridays. My sales graph looks like I am staring down the mouth of a wolf: one big fang on ether side, and a bunch of little ones between.
I suspect that this is true.
We have seen Amazon following a gradual trend toward secretiveness and lack of accountability. First we had feedback, and Amazon used to encourage buyers to use it.
It was supplanted by a host of mectrics, no longer visible to the buyer, but still visible to the seller. They are now grouped under ODR.
The buy box and its secret formula provides Amazon with a way of privately maintaining a bunch of metrics about sellers. I susect that they will use them untill someone persuades the US Justice Department to look into it.
That has worked for me in the past but with this latest installment of removing my eligibility, the MODS don’t seem to be helping.
I keep getting the same response with links to how I can achieve eligibility.
I’m feeling pretty hopeless.