Looking ahead to an order to ship on Friday. Customer paid for expedited delivery – and it actually looks like FedEx One Rate is the best option. But…what size box do I have to use to get that rate? According to the website there are 7 options (FedEx | System Down)
We usually ship this size (8"x6"x4" box) via USPS Ground Advantage or Priority Mail. Don’t remember the last time we used FedEx.
I know that on Amazon’s buy shipping, a USPS Flat Rate box is actually the medium box. So, what size does Amazon assuming I’m going to use for this order? Amazon quoted $12.75 for 2day One Rate from the midwest to the pacific nw.
Is that the size in Amazon Buy Shipping that gave you the FedEx One Rate price?
Then your item would have to fit inside one of these two as they are the only two sizes that start at a price under $12.75 …
Just a little extra info.
You have to use the actual FedEx branded Envelope, Pak, or Box to receive One Rate pricing. You cannot use a standard box. FedEx does offer the branded boxes for free.
Caution: If your package size will be greater than 3 inches, the FedEx Envelope will have an Adjustment charged in the future for exceeding 3 inches on the shortest side.
Caution: If your package size will be greater than 5 inches, the FedEx Pad will have an Adjustment charged in the future for exceeding 5 inches on the shortest side.
It sounds like your 8 x 6 x 4 box would fit correctly in a FedEx Padded Pak and not exceed the 5 inch max.
We use our FedEx account. I am not sure if Amazon Buy Shipping FedEx One Rate has weight limits on each package size.
Here is a size chart to help show FedEx One Rate options in Amazon Buy Shipping
click for Buy Shipping package sizes
FedEx Padded Pak: 10.25 in x 12.75 in x 0.50 in
FedEx Envelope: 9.50 in x 12.50 in x 0.50 in
FedEx Small Box: 10.88 in x 1.50 in x 12.38 in
FedEx Medium Box: 11.50 in x 2.38 in x 13.25 in
FedEx Large Box: 8.75 in x 7.75 in x 11.25 in
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So, there’s no discounted rate for using FedEx (unlike USPS and UPS)?
Yes, Amazon quoted $12.75 for the 8"x6"x4" 4# box. I cannot fit it inside a USPS Padded Priority envelope (9.5x12.5) but it looks like it should fit in the FedEx Pak.
Thanks. Yes, I figured we’d have to use FedEx branded packaging (just like flat rate at the USPS). I just find it annoying that Amazon doesn’t specifically state which flat rate/one rate size they mean.
Now to find the closest FedEx location to acquire packaging.
It would be nice if the pricing displayed provided the package type.
My work around was to label the Package Dimensions for the Buy Shipping Dropdown Box under the Buy Shipping Preferences [link]. This way I always know which package type is being quoted by Amazon.
Side note/question : You mention “Amazon quoted $12.75”. Is this the Buy Shipping rate Amazon is showing you will have to pay or is that the rate your buyer paid for shipping? Something sounded strange above. We set our own shipping rates by weight using the shipping templates.
Amazon’s buy shipping price is $12.75. Our expedited shipping rates vary by weight.
And as luck would have it – the closest FedEx location doesn’t have any padded envelopes. grrr.
At least I get to learn something new today. Thanks to all.