[Fox] Teamsters union launches historic nationwide strike against Amazon

You can say that again.


Yep, This is why DHL exited the US years ago, they were not budget priced and the quality was useless.

Fedex quality has plummeted within the last 5 years. I was one of their biggest fans.

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MOD REMINDER: Please keep replies on-topic (the current Amazon workers strike–a combination of direct employees and contractors, per the AP–and possible effects on Amazon FBA order fulfillment) and non-political.

We are watching replies closely because union-related topics in the past have had to be closed due to noncompliance with SellersAskSellers ABOUT: Community Expectations.

:christmas_tree: Thank you for being respectful of your fellow SAS-ers time and energy in this especially stressful season.


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Although I was always a fan of FEDEX Express and Fred Smith was always to be admired. FEDEX Ground which was RPS before it was acquired was horrid. It got worse when they shifted to independent contractors to get out of the Teamster’s contract. Which is a contrast to the Amazon situation.

It is truly sad the FEDEX Express is now part of the same operational unit, but I do not know if there is enough volume for anyone to notice.


Off topic but Nike knows how to waste $ so let’s see what happens. They recently opened a gigantic 2-floor store in the Lake Success shopping center by me. It’s in a decently busy strip mall (now that a new Target is the anchor) but I don’t see how they could possibly make a profit there.

To put it into perspective, this was an old Modell’s location.

The anchor of the center used to be Sears… Now Target after a 3 year battle with local regulators that for some reason fought Target from opening there. There’s a Starbucks and CVS within Target there as well.


No big loss here…


20 years ago it wasn’t much different and the reasons why we relocated far far way from the high desert (as much as we liked the desert against the local mountains). But that would be another whole topic in it’s self completely different than the Amazon strike.


FedEx used to have a premium image, but my memory goes back far and I haven’t used them recently.


On the inventory shipment side of things (to Walmart), they have done well by us and moved quickly.

WAY more expensive on the partner side of things compared to UPS for Amazon SPD and LTL but very capable.


I remember when the region was full of aerospace engineers and machinists making things for Skunkworks, Douglas, General Dynamics, GE, PW, etc. Then people got priced out of places like Long Beach, Riverside, and the San Fernando Valley and into the high desert.
The people who moved there did not do it because they enjoyed unlimited dirt biking, they moved there because Metrolink or their car put a 120K home within commute distance of places like Long Beach, Burbank, Riverside, Ontario. Same thing happened with Silicon Valley and the East Bay along with East St. Louis and the middle rings of Houston freeways.


Until the Berlin wall fell … then those jobs collapsed and the housing market became the foreclosure capital of the US … it took over 10 years to overcome that. When the housing market heated up again in the early 2000’s is when we sold and left.