❌ Friendly reminder: Politics, bigotry, & SAS

No, they are publicly-posted reminders to stick to the SAS Community Expectations, consolidated into one post–just in case any members had not already seen them.

Not sure what “they” you mean? Many things are certainly worthy of professional, permitted discussion here.

As noted above:

We ARE all adults, but unfortunately some topics seem to bring out fast-and-loose definitions of “decent terms”. Those topics are prohibited for discussion on SAS: politics and religion.

Because we non-paid volunteer SAS staff don’t have the time to babysit every post or interest in policing rhetoric and discussion on these hot-button, non-e-commerce issues, SAS members are asked to ACT LIKE the adults they are and simply avoid them.

That doesn’t mean you can complain or express opinions about laws, the government, government agencies, cults, religious restrictions, etc, on SAS.

It does mean that you can’t bring politicized rhetoric, political dog whistles, party-bashing, party-worship, religion-bashing, religion-worship, etc, into e-commerce/business discussions in ways that violate the Expectations.

98% of our SAS members have managed all of this very capably, with professional behavior and a focus on the things that we HAVE IN COMMON here on SAS.

And 90% of those who crossed a line have responded professionally and respectfully, too.


  • It is not and never will be a free-for-all.
  • Attacking, harassing, and targeting SAS staff for mod actions or any SAS members for any reason will not be tolerated.

A few people won’t like this and will make bad choices, but we will not let those folks hijack and disrupt SAS.