Funny scam text

I got a text message yesterday along the lines of “You owe $6.92 on your EZ-Pass account. Click this link to pay…”

Funny on two counts; first of all, I’m on Auto Pay, so they just charge my CC.
but the hilarious part? “Sent to you and 17 others”. So apparently 18 of us owed exactly the same amount!

(for those not familiar, EZ-Pass is an electronic toll collection company).


I got something like that this week too, but just an image.

EDIT: The url it says to go to appears to have already been disabled!


PA has Express Lanes???

The only toll road I’ve been on in PA is the PA Turnpike, and it is quite possibly the worst highway in the country. There’s no room for an express lane!


Yes, it does - and like other states suffering from traffic-congestion problems, it’s bought in on the HOV ideal; and is using the right of eminent domain to expand them.

ALWAYS Follow The Money.


Yeah the scammers are stupid.

All lanes are now express lanes on the pa turnpike. Cashless in 2020, and open road tolling started as of this month, toll booths are being removed starting in a few months.

America’s first superhighway (pre-dates interstates by quite a few years) has some age on her, but she is reliable. Remember, no tax dollars at work, all toll funds.

No HOV lanes on any of the 353+ miles of the main line or on any of the NE Extension. Nor on the Pit Extensions or Expressways AFAIK. VA and MD love HOT lanes though. Above the mason dixon they don’t fly


For those on the east coast looking for a summer day trip, grab your bikes and head out to the 'Pike!

The Abandoned section of the PA Turnpike has been adopted as a bike trail, and features the former shortest and longest tunnels on the turnpike system before being bypassed. BRING A HEADLIGHT for the longer tunnel! You’ll encounter many other bikers and hikers along with volunteers maintaining the trail and tunnels. Enjoy!


Does a rose by any other name smell as sweet? :wink:

HOT lanes I hate. They are tax payer built and then tolled. “Privileged lanes”

A private toll road (like the PA & NJ Turnpike) built and maintained with $0 tax money I don’t mind at all.


My wife traveled to Texas and had a rental car with the prepaid toll pass option. She received a text from some supposed Texas toll entity and at first thought it had something to do with that.

When my daughter was in college in Boston, we took the motor home cross country to visit and stay on the Cape while visiting her on the weekends. I remember the first time I went I did not know the toll situation and spent several hundred dollars on tolls. I could not believe the number of tolls along the way. :angry:

ETA - and many were the roughest roads I have ridden on.


Gave you a thumbs up since this is true. MA is the worst. I would have used a thumbs down but could not find it. (Guess I was looking on the wrong forum.)


Just remember everyone, it’s free to get INTO NJ, but you gotta pay to get out

NJTPK Still allows cash, one of the last toll roads in the north eastern USA to do so. Why?

Cause Tony doesn’t like how Ez-pass tracks you!


I get them from FL all the time, along with my Comcast account is about to be shut off. My spectrum account is about to be shut off, My oil, my electric.

If I am bored I call the number from my work phone give them an ancient credit card and when they ask why I wasted their time I just say you called me.


I got one of those too, a few months ago! Had never heard of this particular scam so I was briefly concerned, but a quick check of my Pa. EZ-Pass account showed that all was well so I deleted the text. I wonder how many people get caught by this, though?


We still can’t even pump our own gas! You think that they’re gonna update the tolls to the 21st century???

Oh, and there is one place where you have to pay to enter NJ. It’s the Dingman Ferry bridge, which is privately owned. The toll collector stands in the middle of the road to collect the tolls.
I just looked it up, and it’s now $2 each way; pretty sure it was only 25 cents when I crossed it just a few years ago.


As a visitor I actually miss the toll booths in Chicagoland. They were the best place to use up pennies. Just chuck a bunch of coins at the machine and see how close you got. Now I get a letter in the mail with a photo of my plate and a demand to pay.

Now I have to remember to take the coins to a grocery store and use self checkout. No way I want to make some poor teen count my coins.