Getting Paid on MakerPlace

So I’m trying to navigate the payment schedule as I’ve gotten 4 sales now but still have nothing in “Available funds”. the earliest one shipped on 8/8 and I thought should have been available by now but still not. Giving it until Monday to inquire.

Why wait until Monday?

According their Help page:

“Every Monday, orders that became eligible for payout in the prior 7 days (Monday-Sunday) will be processed and paid out to sellers by Wednesday. Orders become eligible for payout 14 days after they are marked as shipped.”

On Finance Overview page, it said the floating balance become available 14 days after shipment.

So your order that was shipped on 8/8, its floating balance should have became available balance now.

If you inquire about it now, and if they fix the problem by this Sunday, it should get process next Monday and payout to you next Wed. If you wait until next Monday to inquire, you’ll have to wait one more week to get paid.

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Your post reminded me to take a look at my Payment. I’m in the same situation as you.

My order was shipped on 8/14, so 14 days is 8/28, so by now my sales balance should have became Available, bit it is still in Floating balance.

I have sent them an email to ask about this issue. Will post here if/when I get an answer.

Please post here too if you have anything to update.

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Probably should contact then now…just crazy busy now and was just testing to see if they actually meant delivered instead of shipped but I will shoot an email when I get a chance.

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Even if they mean delivered, I’d think you 8/8 order is way over 14 days by now, and should have been paid out to you.

I haven’t received a reply to my email yet.


Did you email them?

Here is part of the reply I got for my email inquiry:
“Thank you so much for reaching out to alert us to this payment issue. Upon review, a system issue was discovered and has been fixed. Your payment has been actioned internally and you will receive your payout within the next 5-7 business days. Moving forward, all payments will adhere to the process notated within the Finance Overview page in Seller Support.”

My Finance Overview page is still showing the amount in “Floating Balance”, hasn’t changed to Available yet, maybe it’ll be updated tomorrow?.

It’s not a big issue if I get that little bid of money next week or later, so I’ll wait to see what happens in 5-7 business days. If nothing happens, I’ll contact them again. Finger crossed, I don’t have to.


Yes. This morning. No reply yet and $0 still showing in “Available Funds”

Got 3 more orders today. Two orders should have moved into funds available by now and still have not had a reply from support from yesterday morning. Their “Floating Balance” seems to have a strong anchor. :rofl:


Mine is still anchored there too. Nothing changed today.

Should I offer congrats on all the orders, if you never get paid. :crazy_face:

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Congrats! Getting paid seems to be the hard part now.


I finally received my case reply this morning. Essentially the same reply. Nothing has moved from floating balance yet.
" Hi Wade,

Thank you so much for reaching out to alert us to this payment issue. Upon review, a system issue was discovered and has been fixed. Your payment has been actioned internally and you will receive your payout within the next 5-7 business days. Moving forward, all payments will adhere to the process notated within the Finance Overview page in Seller Support.

We appreciate your partnership with us during our MakerPlace Beta phase and encourage you to reach out again with any questions."

That’s exactly the same reply, must have a form letter for this issue.

Nothing has changed on my finance page, but tomorrow (Wed) is the day that whatever was processed on Monday will be paid out to sellers. So I’m waiting to see what happens tomorrow, maybe check my bank account to see if there is any transfer.

Of course, this yesterday (Monday) was a holiday, so who knows if they have processed payment or not.

Since my reply was yesterday (Tuesday) I suspect that mine would still not process until next Wed. Even so the finance page is still broken since I now have multiple eligible orders that should be moving into “available fund” status but have not. Mean while on the positive side I’m getting orders every 2-3 days. Not quite Etsy but better than Ebay.

I’m doubtful of their ability to make this happen at this point.

Nothing happened today yet, nothing showed on my bank statement either at this point.

I get my reply on 8/31, so 7 business days will be next Monday, guess I’ll wait until next week to contact them again, if nothing happened by then.


Any update Wade? And have you had any more sales? I’m back to focusing on Amazon right now - I need a kick in the pants to go back to MakerPlace and add more things.

Nothing yet. I messaged support again last night as yesterday was 8 working days since they told me it was going to be 5-7 working days. Honestly I don’t think they know their own pay cycle timing and cut off. I’ve had an available balance for almost a week so without question, it will meet the Monday cutoff and then in the bank by Wednesday. I’ll keep you posted.

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It appears they may have finally fixed the payment processing problem I and @Dreamscape-Studio were having as our “Available Funds” went to zero today and under “Recent Activity” it shows payment pending to bank. We’ll know for sure on Wednesday.


So it appears the normal (when working) process will be, 14 days after a shipment, the following Monday, the funds for that order will transfer from “Floating Balance” to “Funds available”. Then on Wednesday, they will enter into ACH and should show in your bank on Thursday morning. At least that is what happened for @dreamscape and I.

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Going to edit the steps a little:
1)14 days after a shipment, the funds will move from “Floating Balance” to “Funds available”, it could happen on any day of the week (in theory, ours happened on a Monday evening).

  1. Then the following Monday after the fund is available (we had to wait a whole week for that to happen), the amount in “Funds available” will become zero, and there will be a entry in “Recent Activities” showing a pending Payout.

  2. Then on Wednesday, Michaels transfers the money. There isn’t any change on Dashboard on Wed showing that, but on Thursday the pending Payout in “Recent activities” will shown as complete, and the transaction also shows in the bank.


I don’t think they send an email when they initiate the process either. I just happened to notice I had a deposit from Michaels in my bank account.

I like that Etsy/Amazon send an email when they send money to my bank so then I can make sure I get it, not that I have ever had an issue not receiving a payment lol.