GS1 UPC Certificate

So I have limited experience with GS1 but last time I checked the UPC prefix number of digits determined the numbers covered right? We have a prefix of 81001234 meaning 81001234000-81001234999 and the corresponding check digit are registered to us correct??
Amazon SS is saying only one UPC is listed because they see the GLN# on the certificate. Has anyone dealt with this level of stupid before, or am I the one who needs to stop feeling intellectually superior?

We are dealing with an 8572 code on our file upload.



Yes … if you paid for that many

That employee (rep) doesn’t know how to read the certificate for what it means (stands for).

Yes … but not over the GS1 certificate … but instead over brand name hijacking …

Definitely would ask to be escalated to a superior.


I just checked my certificate

GS1 Company Prefix is 7 digits
UPC Company Prefix is 6 digits

I own all 10,000

I see yours is 8 digits, but you are claiming 1,000

So yes, I would agree with you. (that is how it is read)

Since I am grandfathered in (my original issue date is 08/08/1990)
GS1 gives me limited access in their website.

But I was under the assumption that those that “rent” get full access, in that you can enter data specific for a product on the website.

I do not know, maybe since you own only a partial of the full prefix, this is the issue.


Is it possible that you have already used the UPC that is giving you the 8572 error.

As well, someone could have used your UPC code without your knowledge, thus when you enter it conflicts and gives an error.

maybe the check digit is wrong?

I made an excel sheet that can calc the check digit for any number of UPCs needed, if you need


Nope, freshly cut off the UPC stack this week.


GS1 has one as well