Wondering if anyone else has noticed a change over the last 4 weeks in your level of product reviews / seller feedback. Please share what you are seeing.
Sent this note to our SAS manager today which sums up what we are seeing:
Hi XXXXXX, I noticed something recently with our feedback rate dropping and our review rate increasing. Has Amazon launched a change that moves feedback that reads like a review to product reviews?
We used to get great product reviews in seller feedback all the time which was frustrating. Over the last 3-4 weeks, it seems the little seller feedback we got is indeed feedback about us or our service.
Meanwhile, our product review count has gone up considerably which is great.
The problem - Sellers need to maintain a certain level (number) of seller feedback to run deals (lighting / best deals). We normally average 38 feedbacks per 30 days. Now we are at 20…
This feels like a change in the algorithm / AI to put product reviews where they belong and that would be amazing if true. I just hope we don’t fall below the level required to be able to run deals with this change which would screw up our promo planning.
Please let us know if you know anything about this change or if I am just imagining things… This has been going on long enough for me to assume that there was a change.
Have a great weekend