Walmart sent out their email today to verify everything. All well and good but I’ve tried 10X now and keep getting this error below.
Anyone successfully verify today? Want to make sure that this isn’t an us problem that’s going to require a case. Thanks
Walmart hasn’t asked me for this at all, and I don’t even see where I would go to deal with it.
You will see this on the top of your home dashboard:
The email will also have a button to take you right to the Seller Certification in your Administrator Options area.
I am VERY impatient so I opened this case:
The email has a 5 day warning on it. Home dashboard says 30 days.
Maybe it’s coming, but right now I don’t have that.
Well be thankful because the ■■■■ doesn’t work.
Still haven’t heard back on the case I opened. Tried again today and got the same error.
I re-read the screen and saw there was a more specific area to open a case on this so just did that.
Will update this when I find out WTF is going on. Clock is ticking - 29 days left to do something Walmart won’t allow us to do at the moment.
After battling back and forth with Walmart’s “Support” team and asking for escalation, and never hearing back, I’ve been trying multiple times a day since last Thurs to certify our info.
Today, on the 4th attempt of the day, I figured out the stupidity.
You need to go into each area and hit edit, EVEN IF YOU DON’T WANT OR NEED TO CHANGE ANYTHING, and scroll down and click certify.
Nowhere in the email from Walmart or the screen itself does it say this is required.
I’ve seen some really stupid ■■■■ on these marketplaces, but I believe this might take the cake.
I’ve said that before so I should go search the other instances to see if that’s actually true but I think it is.