How can you tell if a seller is on a basic or professional plan?
I do wonder if promotions are more tied to how much you spend on your rewards card. It makes sense that Michael’s would prioritize sellers who are buying supplies at Michael’s.
I noticed on Instagram they are partnering with influencers and I’m curious if the influencers get to choose what they want to purchase or if Michael’s has them pick specific items.
While they do post shop names in the stuff they feature on Instagram they don’t tag social media of shops.
I’ve been trying to find time to get more active on Instagram but just not enough hours in my day
Social media, social selling, social commerce is definitely growing, but it is also definitely a time suck, usually out of proportion to conversions for most small businesses–as is the (honestly, transactional) engagement you have to put in to gain/maintain visibility in the algorithms.
Isn’t my (limited) proprietor time better spent in “IPA” (Income Producing Activities)?
The social-scape is a bit of a nightmare, frankly.
When you looked at a store, for the Basic Plan, the store name is displayed uner the banner photo, for the Professional plan, the store name is overlayed on top of the banner photo.
Weird that it doesn’t show even one of my items with a search for my store name. I went and added my name to some tags on some listings, but I’m not too worried about it right now, as I think other search terms will be more important for now.
That’s very interesting, and I think I maybe have assmued something wrong.
Becasue of that “My store” page above that shows my sletected template as “Standard Template”, and since I’m on basic plan, I just assumed that basic plan shop have to use that template and assumed I can use the template to dermine if a store is on baisc or professional.
I thought if I change my template to the “Enhanced Template” that would mean I chose to be on Professional plan, which I didn’t want to do, so I never tried to change the template. Maybe anybody can use “Enhanced Template” doesn’t matter what plan you are on? Personally I don’t use much difference between the 2 templates.
So if we can’t use the template to determine which plan a shop is on, then I don’t know how to we can tell one way or the other, then my previouse conclusion about MakerPlace did promote basic plan shops could be totally wrong, and all those showcased shops could all be on professional plan.
I should stop waste more of my time try to understand MakerPlace.
There’s the .01% of actors/influencers who get super rich, and the other 99.99% struggle to make ends meet.
A business owner’s time is definitely better spent on things that reliably get results than hoping they get super lucky and their brand goes viral on instagram.
Definitely something wrong here. I know you get repeat buyers so this would be important going forward. I would email support. They’ve been really helpful. I have not had to tag any of my listings for this search result and I don’t see any of your tagged listings either.
Thanks, I opened a ticket. Weird that if you type my name plus “jewelry” they all show up.
Still waiting to hear back from them about not getting order notification emails. (I’ve gotten a second order now.) I did get the ‘order shipped’ emails though when I marked them as shipped, so some things are working.
Please keep us updated, if they able to fix this search result thing for you. I’m debating if it’s worth the effort to open a case about only 10 of 65 of my items showing up when searching with my shop name, realistically I’m not sure if anybody is going to search using my shop name.
Maybe a stupid question but before they had no end date on listings, I think they only had 6 months as the longest option. They also don’t have an “Inactive” filter for Product listings
Is it possible that 55 of your listings might have been on a shorter end date?
That was a good thought, but no, I changed all the listings to No End Date, as soon as it became available. All my 65 items are active:
I’m not too conercerned about it right now. I don’t do social media or any other kind of promotion myself for my MakerPlace shop, so I really don’t think any customer will be searching with my shop name. But it would be good to have the ability in case when there is a need.
My items do show up pretty good in related Keyword search, such as origami earrings, but that’s only good when buyers know what they are looking for. With gerenal search by categories, then only a couple shows up in the begining of the list.
I got 17 Favorites, so somebody must have seen some of my items, don’t know what the items are, but was hoping people who favored would make purchase during the holiday. but not holding my breath.
Finally got my 2nd order on MakerPlace. It was been so long since the first one, I really had to think about how I process the order last time to get this one shipped.
To make things a bid more complicated, the buyer messaged to say the shipping address was wrong, and gave a different address (in FL) than the one on the order (in CO). I was tempted to tell her to cancel the order and re-order with the correct address, but didn’t really want to possibly lose the sale, so I just bought a label with the FL address on USPS website. Cross my fingers, and hope nothing goes wrong with that.
Has anybody tried to cancel an order on MP? There is a “Cancel” button" with the order, but the no reason such as wrong address. I just didn’t feel comfortable try to cancel the order myself, don’t know if there is any consequence for doing it.