How is MakerPlace Doing?

I used bulk upload to get my products listed. There was no place for pix. I inquired last week and got instructions on how to load pix individually. I could take 2 or 3 dedicated days to load individual pix.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Has any Seller tried to cancel an order on MakerPlace?

When this came available, I did not see much advantage to this feature in terms of saving time creating listings.


Iā€™m going to create an additional topic on this, for visibility.


1 order when I joined, and 5 more since Thanksgiving ā€¦

Not a large enough sampling to make conclusions, but itā€™s interesting that 4 out of 6 sales were for items with no sales at all on Amazon (one was OOAK).

Does that mean that MakerPlace customers are looking for something different than Amazon buyers are? Or does it mean that those items sold because they were no longer lost in the morass of Amazon? I have no idea.


Nothing for me yet - but I only have 25 listings up. I just canā€™t decide whether to add more. I would love if they would improve the import function so I could just bring over everything from Shopify in one swoop.


Their whole product interface is screwed up. I have a lot of components and when one is out from my supplier, I have to hunt down multiple listings to make inactive (there is no zero out on quantityā€¦just like Etsy). Then when you want to reactivate there is no inactive filter, so you have to go thru 30+ pages of listings to find the inactive ones.

I have noticed the same thing that my sales items are quite different from Amazon. At the same time there is a lot more macrame and clay earrings you donā€™t see as much on Amazon.

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Good gravy - Got my first MakerPlace order. Of course, I had NO idea - no email, no spam email, nothing. I only know because someone sent me a message on there (another photographer asking for my process - umm, no). If I hadnā€™t checked, I wouldnā€™t have known!


Iā€™m getting probably 30 to 40 visits a day and still have not gotten any sales since September.

I set up the annoying 2fa last week thinking maybe itā€™s preventing me from getting sales? I have no idea just random thoughts I have. But it hasnā€™t changed anything.

Today I spent $40 at Michaelā€™s (craft supplies for my kids) so if itā€™s at all tied to spending via the rewards card maybe Iā€™ll get some more views or sales :joy:

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Congrats on your order! Same thing happened with me with no order emails. I emailed support, and while I never heard back from, my last 3 orders I have gotten emails for, so they did fix it. Iā€™m up to 5 orders there.


Thatā€™s huge, compare to mine. Iā€™m lucky if I get more than 5 Views a day. For the last 30 days, my total Views was 97.

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That is so irresponsible of MakerPlace, IMO.

A few more sales. Nothing much, but at least itā€™s not nothing.


Iā€™m so glad the guy messaged me with a question (not the subsequent ones, though) - I never log in there because the login process is so infuriating.


They fixed the ā€œstay logged inā€ problem at least for me. I leave all my venues open in tabs to dashboard but then I always only use a desktop so maybe not as convenient on mobile.


Iā€™m a desktop-only person. I will try that! I donā€™t leave the tab open, but clicking ā€˜keep me logged inā€™ doesnā€™t work either.

ā€œKeep me logged inā€ on MakerPlace only lasts for 24 hours from my experience.


I have to get a verification code every single time I login. And even if I leave the browser open and come back a few hours later that day, I have to do it all again. Very annoying.

Check your browser setting on how it handles cookies. You might want to put in an exception to handle a little different than the normal cookies if you have the setting on a high level of restriction. If you use both Chrome and Firefox, you would need to make the exception in each of the browser settings.

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