How to Find Draft New Products

This means your listing is being locked or held. We get this exact message all the time when we send in inventory and then later on some random bot decides the inventory could be hazmat/adult/pesticide/(personal lubricant requiring FDA approval is our most recent) and has isolated the ASIN.
Does anything show up in the edit details when you make a new SKU for the same item or when making edits? Does the category still match? Search for any listing detail changes.
The root issue in our previous attempts at fixing a similar issue was a detail on the ASIN that locked it down like a pesticide or restricted firearm kind of thing.

You didn’t try doing that whole organic bamboo magical powers stuff again did you?? LOL

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Yeah, we left behind some verbiage we forgot (bamboo again) and the bot caught it. This is the tenth dozenth time this has happened. Yes, lol. we had “bamboo viscose” instead of “viscose derived from bamboo”

We can never edit these listings. I have an inventory loader strictly for deleting them to re-add. my (old) SAS made it clear that not even they can edit them to fix because they are so hard-locked. I need to delete and re-add with the edits, only solution.

But this seems impossible when I can’t use the same SKU. at least impossible when also doing FBA.

It’s a new thing. I’ve deleted and re-added a good 30+ ASINs the past year, with that always being the solution. I’ve never seen the MSKU already exists error.

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actually I take that back. We can edit the listings, the edits just never push through. Then I spend a month with seller support and after a month the changes still won’t push through, so I can’t appeal. And then they’ll tell me this hasn’t happened before, though probably the 100th time with me alone. lol

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actually, seller support just answered. Am I reading this right? They want me to do it your way, using a fake MSKU, and they will change it on their end?

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I have read and understood your concern regarding the error : “Merchant SKU already exist” that your are getting while converting listing to FBA.

We have reviewed you case and below are our findings :

Please know that we need to remap or refresh the SKU from one ASIN to another to resolve the issue.

The ASIN associated with a SKU cannot be changed unless Amazon made this change.

However , you currently do not have a FBA listing associated with the MSKU/FNSKU that you provided. Hence , we are unable to remap or refresh.

Create a listing first.

Once created a listing , please write back to us.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter.​

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

However , you currently do not have a FBA listing associated with the MSKU/FNSKU that you provided. Hence , we are unable to remap or refresh.

This seems entirely stupid. Of course I don’t, hence the problem.


A few hours with a thermal printer says otherwise, unless you AGL from a manufacturer.

Do you have another SKU you made the listing on that may be like a master? We had one occasion where we deleted the SF SKU and it removed all the images despite having an active FBS SKU and FNSKU. When we remade the SF SKU exactly as it was we were able to put the pictures back in.
We have a few SKU’s where the edit page is hidden unless we click on the “all attributes” and it does not seem to push changes despite being the brand owner etc.
Not sure if simply coincidence or an actual difference between original listing SKU’s and secondary SKUs.

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Bamboo details appear to be permanently in your ASIN orbit of problems. Darn bots.

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no master sku. the listings are completely removed. I do all attributes.

It accepts everything about the listing, it just won’t let it become FBA.

My key point is, no thermal printer is required when I am trying to salvage not spending a ton of money on having stranded inventory sent back to me and the headache that comes with that.

It would suck to have to change all my labels (only about 4000 units I’d need to manually change by hand), but the stranded coming back would be icing.

I need the FNSKU recovered.

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what’s annoying, is if I get the conversion error, it deleted the entire listing, not even saving it as FBM and I have to add again.

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just added it as FBM. let’s see if seller support can convert it and keep the SKU


I’d also try to convert myself with a file upload.


Now I have no idea what is going on.

I deleted the listing on the 13th. Today I re-add with the correct information. For instance, here is the title:

Wooflinen 100% Viscose Derived from Bamboo King Pillowcases | Set of 2 | Breathtakingly Soft

It got added, and then instantly removed. I was scratching my head, but look at this from the letter:

ASIN: B08TZD673S, SKU: woof-pillow-king, Title: Wooflinen Modern King 100% Bamboo Viscose Pillowcases | Set of 2 | Breathtakingly Soft

This title is about 3 generations old!!! What the heck. Why, when I add a new product, is it using old data?

It also says I can “edit” the listing for changes, but there is no listing showing up anywhere.


actually, I’m an idiot. looking at wayback that was the last title they had for the listing, so guess my edits to the listing didn’t go through (i swore they did).

But, even though, adding the product new, it resorts to the old listing information.

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trying again… I confirmed the product/asin does not exist, now adding…


I supplied just enough data to submit. So no chance of issues arising elsewhere (and so I don’t waste too much time for rejection).

Let’s see how it goes.


it’s been 24 hours. no new listing, no alert, no nothing. hmmmm


My concern is that you are entering 14 digits for the Product ID but I see UPC/EAN/GTIN, which should just be GTIN and it belongs to Fab Rabbit Inc


Wooflinen is a trademark of Fab Rabbit Inc.

I’m trying to use the exact same product ID (the full GTIN with the leading 00s) as it was when I downloaded a Category Listings Report back in January.

The data from GS1:

My goal is to have much of the same identifier data on the listing as it was before.


okay. so the listing won’t appear. It never showed up after I added it, and a ticket with Seller Support has them explaining I need to add the product back before they can take a look at it.

It won’t appear. I’m trying add product, everything looks good, they save it can take up to 24 hours, and that’s the end of it. It doesn’t ever appear nor do I get an update on why.

Any ideas?



Okay, so I threw up my hands and said F it and changed my MSKU in hoped they can remap on their end to get the FNSKU back connected.

I’m going through the Add Product, and of course the first thing I do is ensure the product ASIN and GTIN no longer exist…


So I start, and use GTIN as my product identifier, a fake MSKU, and I think I’m done. But suddenly the red alert (exclamation point) appears above “Product Details”. So I go take a look.

Under my Material, something that has to be stated perfectly – Viscose Derived from Bamboo – it acknowledges that the ASIN still exists, and it’s protecting the “material” attribute, which I can’t change by adding the product…

Should I just say “Bamboo” to get through this gate for the time being and pray I can edit it after the product gets added?


As has been pointed out before in similar situations, the Add a Product functionality seemingly performs poorly in regards to returning actionable results which are leavened by an understanding of where - and in which of Amazon’s 21/22 (China don’t count, until it does) Global Marketplaces - the winning contribution, for most any attribute that Amazon supports, is being recognized by its automated mechanisms as authoritative data.

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Using Report a Violation tool the ASIN B08TZD6735 referenced in the Material warning above, one can find in the following :

When it comes to, the ASIN B08TZD6735 is referenced but will be a little harder to find as it is hidden under one of the parent listings (and there are several). If you use this, you could select the brand name in the left menu to reduce the field down and help manage the search.

These were the only two marketplaces with a reference to ASIN B08TZD6735.

Seller Help pages has this link for error 8541.