I overstock. Anyone knows how many days multiple shipments must arrive within the same timeframe?


I overstock an item and currently have 5 shipments ready for freight forward to ship from China to Amazon. 1 of 5 shipments is going out today. I could ask the forwarder to delay the other 4. However I don’t know how long I can delay. I know that Amazon has the limit in term of the number of days that all shipments (in this case 5 shipments) from the same batch must arrive within … I guess 30 days of each other. This 30 day number is my wild guess. Anybody knows the correct number? Please advise. Thanks.


Just received an answer from my Chinese freight forwarder.

  • If the origin address is USA, the arrival date between the first and last shipment
    shouldn’t be more than 30 days.
  • If the origin address is oversea, the arrival date between the first and last shipment shouldn’t be more than 90 days.

Supposedly they’re good until mid-january, but theoretically they could restart the strike any time since the contract is technically expired as of right now.


Thank you for the link. The ban on automation should be illegal. Our ports are already out dated compared to ports in Europe and Asia. It costs more to operate ancient ports. How could the automation be banned to benefit a few at the expense of the entire nation smh :man_facepalming:


Hi HumbleWarrior, I’m not sure if the answer you received from your ff is up to date.

I’m replying here because reading the post instantly reminded me that Amazon modified the delivery times this year. For international shipments, the new timeframe is now 75 days, meaning that after 75 days from the shipment creation, the shipment will be closed.
Therefore, I find it hard to believe that it allows for 90 days from the first to the last shipment.

I’m also not entirely clear on what you mean by “(5 shipments) from the same batch.” Do you mean that you started one shipping plan that then got split into 5 shipments due to Inventory Placement?

For some reason I ignore, your ff may be right, but I couldn’t find a match within Seller Central help pages.
It would be nice to get some other feedbacks from someone here on SAS, otherwise I would at least recommend reaching out to seller support.

Anyway, this is the part of the guidelines that should raise doubts about the 90 days:

## FBA shipment requirements
Once you approve a shipping plan, you are required to ship your products to Amazon as stated in that plan, including sending the stated quantity of each product in that plan to the assigned Amazon facility. You can’t abandon shipments after you approve the shipping plan. If your domestic shipments don’t arrive within 45 days of shipment creation and your international shipments don’t arrive within 75 days of shipment creation, we will notify you that your shipments aren’t compliant with the policy and the shipments will close automatically. […]
[…] If you delete portions of a shipping plan, or if we don’t receive all of the shipments in your approved multi-destination plan within 30 days after the first shipment in that plan arrives at our facilities, we will notify you that your shipments aren’t compliant with this policy.

I am suggesting to double check.


Thank you so much for this info!

Correct. I started one shipment plan and selected the 5 way split to avoid payment placement fee.

I think this is the answer. It’s actually 30 days between the first and last shipment. Not 90 days or 75 days. Ouch :grimacing:

Thank you @Spaghetti