A few years back we had a massive influx of returns on a particular ASIN, spiking our NCX and causing the removal of that ASIN.
We noticed in the comments that the wrong item was being sent, and we finally got a customer who reached out directly about the mistake to take a photograph of the outer packaging label.
Amazon covered our correct FNSKU labels with the incorrect FNSKU – we have no idea why – causing the destruction of the ASIN. Though we did an appeal and it was accepted, resulting in an investigation that required a couple more units having to be pulled, we had to re-create the listing anew with a different (fake) sku.
Today, we are seeing the symptoms of what seems to be the same thing. In the past month – JS noticed and alerted us – we have a 100% return rate of a particular ASIN,with two customers commenting the wrong item was sent.
How can I submit a request to research what is happening? Last time Amazon refused to lift a finger, instead blaming me, until I got a customer to send help.
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IIRC, I remember you posting about the labeling fiasco y’all endured in the OSFE, and the recalcitrance of Amazon to admit to its mistake made by the Inbound Team (which, as we most all know [and mourn], is not particularly unusual, in either aspect).
While it is true that were we presently enrolled in SAS Core as are you - and despite the horror-show that seems to have become - I would not hesitate to avail myself of the possibility of your rep being able to expedite one fully across the entirety of the AFN (‘Amazonese’ for “Amazon Fulfillment Network”) rather than relying on the more-typical single-FC “bin check” model Amazon usually employs for such requests, I would suggest that the first thing to do, in any case, is to request a Cubiscan Investigation for the impacted ASIN.
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SAS got back to me… they said to create a ticket with Seller Support
Right. That’s the process sadly. When seller support is useless, that’s when you break out the escalation spreadsheet and let someone that knows what they are doing, and can do something take control of it.
I find that process of doing something you know won’t work first annoying but that’s the workflow and there’s no way around it.
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