IMPORTANT: Check your emails

Sounds about right.

I also wonder how many sellers will miss the re-verification email; if they miss it and don’t look under their Account info, they will never know. Sellers should also receive a notice under their Performance Notifications, or at least have a banner showing under Account Health.


I don’t look at those regularly either. :grin:

Amazon’s big problem (one of them) is they can’t tell the difference between what’s important to us (we’re going to make some change to your account without your consent, or shut you down until you provide us with xx doc…) and what’s important to them (you must send more stuff to FBA… you should start to sell this prohibited brand, you need to advertise everythingall the time)

Back in the day, when we had the little red performance flag, it was a helpful alert, until they started using it for totally UNimportant issues. :frowning:


I remember the :triangular_flag_on_post: I always dreaded it when it came up, but it was effective.


Not to mention the catalog search results mess of their doing, as if all buys are impulse.


So the ‘improve sales’ bot initiated some chatGPT type bot to write and send this email, based on data from the ‘seller surveillance bot’. The surveillance bot determined that these seller-machines are too human-like and not performing as expected so they must be forced to comply.

I am not optimistic about our AI future on this planet.

I do like the idea of the order handling capacity option at the bottom of that page.
Just to be fair, Amazon does sometimes do things I like.
What I don’t like is that I have to use the automation settings I hate so much to use it. So it’s a wash.

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Here’s the “kicker” that I have noticed… I tried the “1 day” shipping for awhile just to see if it made any difference. I did receive a few extra orders but not enough to risk keeping the change.

When I reverted back to 2 days, “some” of my listing “stayed” on 1-day. Now, on several occasions I will have 1 order that will say “must ship today to avoid late shipment”. All the others will say the next day.

Because… Amazon knows that if that one order has to be shipped today then I will likely ship them all that same day. This has happened to me as well as others that I have talked to. If you haven’t done it before then I do not recommend it.


If you have not already done so, I suggest you check your SKU level handling times, as automation settings apparently give Amazon permission to change your SKU level handling times as well as your account level default.