I’m trying to help a bookseller friend who has an individual selling account (as opposed to the $40-per-month professional account) and is having some issues with her inventory seemingly not visible to buyers. I have not had an individual account for many years.
On my friend’s customer-facing seller profile page, there is no link to her storefront. On my profile page, there is a link to my storefront right below my seller name, at top left. So, does this link simply not exist on individual accounts?
Yes, that’s generally correct, although there do appear be a few exceptions.
There was a good deal of furor over in the ASF, from Individual Sellers, some years back when Amazon decided to remove this feature from the Individual Selling Plan, and the issue occasionally still arises.
Since that storefront is mostly used only by the seller (just to look at, you cannot DO anything) and is a pathetic imitation of an actual storefront, little is lost there.
Shipping templates are a far bigger attraction for the pro plan than that storefront.
Yes, I agree the link is not very important (but I occasionally have had customers search my storefront and buy multiple items). I was just trying to help my friend navigate through a problem, and I wondered why I couldn’t get to a list of her inventory from the buyer side. Now I know. I have wished for many years that Amazon allowed sellers to customize their storefronts so they would be more useful/easily searchable for customers.