Is there a dollar amount figure on how much we are charged for "low inventory fee"?


I have a product that I usually keep the inventory enough to sell only 30 days because it’s bulky (hence high storage fee especially during Q4). So, this product gets hit with low inventory fee frequently. I would like to know how much is this fee to calculate whether it’s worth it to continue selling it. Is there a place where we can see exactly how much a product is charged this fee?

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In the FBA Inventory page there is a column for Low-Inventory-Level-Fee.


You can also find it if you click on “Calculate revenue” on the far right of the Manage Inventory page for any ASIN, under the FBA fee.


Thank you. Were you talking about this page and the column in red rectangle? I moved the mouse pointer to Details and the little window popped up (see another red rectangle) They only show whether this item would be charged low inventory fee but don’t show the dollar amount fee. Am I looking at the wrong page? Thanks.

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Thank you. I must be blind :sweat_smile: I clicked the “Calculate revenue” link in the Manage Inventory page and scrolling up/down the long pop-up window (see below), still don’t see the low inventory fee. Is it suppose to be in there?


Yes this is the page I was referring to, and it seems that you are correct that it does not show the actual fees.

In @Gandalf’s advice which you screenshotted, the low inventory fee is under FBA fulfillment fees. For the item you showed, that line is missing, so I’m assuming there are no fees for this item?

I checked an item that the manage inventory says will have fees assessed and it does show a fee in the FBA fulfillment fees area, but I don’t know if these are estimated fees that will be assessed, or fees that have already been assessed. I suspect they are the former, so not that useful for determining assessed fees.

I will keep looking because I know I’ve seen the assessed fees somewhere.

Edit: Have you tried checking here?


Thanks for pointing it out. You’re correct. There is no low inventory fee for this week. Next week I will get the charge because my new batch is still far away. I’ll re-visit this page and post the updates :slight_smile:

Which page? FBA Inventory page?

Very interesting! No, I never heard of this “Selling Economics and Fees” page. I’m checking it out to see if it has the low inventory fee. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Correct, that’s where you would see it. Alternatively, you can check all the SKUs that are incurring the fee at the following page at any moment:

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The current SKU Economics Report functionality is relatively new; it was officially announced, with little fanfare, in the 041524 News Headline Track fees with the new SKU Economics report” (link, Seller Central).

It was still a work in progress at the time it was deployed, and there were many complaints during the first few months of its existence about the results produced being either wonky, or simply non-existent, as can be seen in such NSFE discussions as the News Headline-accompanying one found here (link, NSFE).

The beta implementation of the SP-API (“Selling Partner Application Programming Interface” in ‘Amazonese’) likewise suffered from poor performance - Amazon has long had a perplexing penchant for rolling things out the door before the tires have even been kicked - but it must be admitted that much of the dust has settled on both scores as of now.

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Here is the link to the Help page about Low Inventory Level Fee with the Rates and other details: