"It's Over." Amazon Labor Union (Staten Island, NY) is broken and broke


These guys haven’t been a problem for a while now. It was a little concerning at the beginning, but after a year or so it was pretty clear that the union was incompetent and the workers who voted for it weren’t really that motivated to get something done. There were problems with union leadership from the get go, and with the low number of employees that voted in favor of the union (~ 30% of the workforce), there was literally no reason for Amazon to negotiate with them. If the majority of your workforce strikes, that’s a problem, but in this case, we can assume that anyone who voted against the union, and anyone who didn’t bother to vote aren’t willing to strike, and if half the people who voted in favor are willing to strike, a 15% workforce “strike” just means you’re replacing 15% of your workforce.


Nail, meet hammer.

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Shame Jerry Seinfeld GIF - Shame Jerry Seinfeld Too GIFs

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It seems to me that workers who have decent fees and benefits are poorly motivated to pay union dues, unless they are public employees.

I assume the union cannot get donations from the usual progressive donors because they want a larger union to organize Amazon.

The success of this union would not only disturb Amazon but other interests.


Hence President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s prescient “…unthinkable and intolerable…” warning about the pitfalls of allowing Public Sector employees to unionize, nearly a century back, despite his promulgation of such New Deal legislation as the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (aka the “Wagner Act”), and similar efforts on the collective bargaining front.


Very true, serving for a total of 21 years on local government boards, three different boards in total. At least in our state, they can not strike. Not that it is not uncomfortable if they do for all involved, employees, staff, management, taxpayers, etc… It is. When assigned to the negotiations I was fair but Yankee frugal. Even spearheaded an increase for those graduating university, to get them to interview with us. Yet again, this was Yankee frugal, they were replacing those that made 4X what they did when retiring.


FRIENDLY MOD REMINDER: We are watching this topic closely, as we were not even sure that it was a good fit for SellersAskSellers. We decided to allow it, pending any comments and replies.

This is your @SAS-Staff reminder to AVOID discussing politics, introducing politicalizations into topics, and disparaging groups of people (including union workers, non-union workers, and “public employees”).

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