Just got Brazil added.

Started listing tonight, and had the option to list in Brazil. Sure enough, it now shows in my marketplace dropdowns (wasn’t there yesterday). Going there gave the message that I didn’t have a valid charge method.

Got it on vacation and made sure there were no listings (there weren’t) so hopefully won’t cause any problems. But if you’ve not had Brazil show up already, keep an eye out for it, as there was no warning.


Doublecheck that your marketplace synchronization is off. Just to be sure. @Tried_Tested’s travails have me paranoid.


Yes - and not just the BIL Tool itself.

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What do you mean?

Where else should one turn off market synchronization?

As I’m expecting things to turn back on shortly - I have to be on the ball on everything and its going to be painful


I don’t have it yet, but in case I do…where? how?


What’s a BIL Tool?

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Amazon’s automated mechanisms pull Global Marketplace(s) synchronization data from a variety of places.

It is rather more complicated than what I’m about to describe, depending on what previous actions an SoA Account has undertaken, but when you get back in, I’d first make sure that the “Allow Amazon to buy my products to sell globally” (link, Dashboard Editor) was set to disabled, and that “FBA Export” (link, Dashboard Editor, simplified) was as well.


I’ll update once its back and I can’t figure some things out - that way we describe an accute problem if one exists! This is good to start. Thanks @Dogtamer ! :pray:t3:


We got it sometime back and did exactly this … vacation and no listings … and have never had an issue. When @Tried_Tested started is dive into the Brazilian Support rabbit hole, we check and found we have the message warning that we do not have a deposit method for that marketplace. We do not intend on adding one and (as of now) we have not had an issue.


“BIL” in ‘Amazonese’ (or 'Amazonish" if you prefer) is an acronym for “Build International Listings” - it’s the fundamental aspect of Global Marketplace(s) synchronization.

The SHC (“Seller Help Content”) ‘parent’ page in the Global Selling ‘tree’ is currently titled the same - “Build International Listings” (link); the BIL Dashboard itself should be available to you @ https: //sellercentral.amazon.com/listing-preferences/build-international-listings.

n.b. that the URL provided in the aforementioned help page for accessing this Dashboard, https: //sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/global-selling/sync-offers, will typically redirect there; I’ve been trying, sporadically, for seven damn years to get the Editorial Team to update the URL to no avail.


Thank you. I just looked at this link and finally figured out why I get orders from Amazon.com. They are usually very large orders.


For this reason, I think I will keep Allow Amazon to Buy My Products on enable. Don’t want to block those sales.


You are most welcome, my friend.

As long as you have not had any import-export problems with the goods being purchased, and have not faced any others deriving from Amazon’s sometimes-slipshod practice in the Global Selling realm, it may well be safe to leave that Fulfillment by Amazon Dashboard setting enabled.

That being said, I would not lightly overlook the need to conduct a regular review (we ourselves do this quarterly, but a yearly regiment can often serve for most goods, in my experience, depending upon new developments in the political & regulatory realms both foreign & domestic) of when & where you could face unwanted exposure.

Trust, but verify.


I finally got Brazil. I put it on vacation. Hope that’s all that’s needed.


If you’re FBA go here and turn this off also:



Thanks. I looked at that, but Amazon buys a lot of my stuff, and when they do, it is in volume, so I don’t want to lose that customer.


Just noticed Brazil has been added to my list of “Store”. Glad I had some warning from here.

Since everybody is saying about putting it on Vacation mode, I went ahead and put all other 3 stores on vacation now.

My Canada, Mexico and Brazil stores are now all “Incative” (on vacation mode). with nothing listed. So that should be it, and I can just ignor them, right?

I thought I might have to do something about credit card for the Brazil store, since I had to have CC info for Canada and Mexico. But it looks like Amazon just used the cc on file for Brazil. There isn’t any notice saying I have to do anything, so that’s a relief.


This has been the case for my Canada and Mexico for years. My FBM profiles don’t have shipping for them, only US. FBA hasn’t done international for handmade, even though many of us opted in.

So I’ll do the same for Brazil. Given the nightmare that TT went thru, I won’t do anything to ask amazon about it.


In theory, that’s correct - but I wouldn’t advise totally ignoring these other Marketplaces from here on out, as Amazon has a long & sordid history of making changes behind our backs.

As a result of that paradigm, we conduct a review of our SoA Account settings @ least once every biz quarter, and ensure that they are all still set the way we want them…


I was one of the few that got Brazil Marketplace added about a year and a half ago. I’m a micro-seller since the 90’s, not Professional, not FBA. We had a thread about it for a while on the Amazon Forum, with no resolution except a Mod said to put it on vacation. I have checked back every so often, but no updates.

The thing that bugs me is that every time I log in, it makes me choose between both marketplaces and defaults to Brazil! I even got a couple of emails in Portuguese inviting me to seller conferences.

Now that this is a more widespread issue, maybe there will be some word from Amazon.


Welcome to SellersAskSellers, @Moonbeam !

If you want to link your Amazon forum thread here, some fellow SAS members might bump it for you over there.