Lets buy a house

This thing’s so flimsy I bet you I could kick it down.

If you got a neighborhood of these things, if a neighbor pisses you off you can just kick their house down.

On a serious note, where are you gonna put this thing? Your mom’s backyard? Land ain’t cheap if it’s in a city/dense suburb area

Some cities do not allow tiny homes within the city limits. My city is one of them. Tiny home buyers may have a tough time trying to find a property to place their home.

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Probably because that piece of trash doesn’t meet building codes

I watched the video and I am impressed.

Could not use it in the north with its flat roof, but it would probably be legal in many jurisdictions since it is not a permanent structure.

I have a shed in Maine which required no permitting, sits on cinder blocks and can be moved.

To my knowledge, the size of the structure is irrelevant if it is not permanent.

I am not sure how to manage the plumbing for the bathroom.


Yeah this is not a small question

I just have to say - LOL! :rofl:

Well Done Papy!


I’m actually more interested to see how much work it takes to pack it up and make it mobile again.

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You know how hard it is to find a “Wrecking Ball” GIF that isn’t Miley Cyrus related… LOL

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I live in OC, and he’s delusional.


The problem with ideas like this is they are selling to people that have it in their head that they are comparing this $20,000 house to what a typical house costs. But they don’t have the ability to conceive of all of the costs that are not included. I would bet if you built this size house in the typical fashion, it would be much less than what this alternative would end up costing once it was move-in ready.

Now if you were setting up a temporary office on a parking lot for a construction job or an event of some kind? maybe.


This isn’t a house, it’s a shed.

There are actual proper prefab houses, this is not one of them.


Aparently the ceilings are quite low. There’s an issue for the non Asian markets.

When I hiked Japan a friend and I were crammed onto the Tokyo subway at rush hour and ended up on opposite ends of the car. We could still see each other and used hand signals. I’m 6’ and he’s 5’9". (Btw loved Japan an amazing country!)


composting toilet?


Id rather get 2 of these…20k for that is crazy


Yes, in our region we have companies that provide post and beam homes. Garages and barns too.

We are renovating a 1723-1845 connected farmhouse. The error we made was renting while we do this. Three years now and we could have built an auxiliary unit on the farm and lived in that.

The BarnYard.com is one down in CT, BrooksPostandBeam.com is another one.


We’ve been thinking about moving back to Texas :cowboy_hat_face:before

Thought about setting up house in the one shown in the main image-it’s foldable!! (How handy, it one happens to own a 18-wheeler.) Perhaps there’s just a walled-off space for a restroom and a buyer has to provide the toilet

Maybe we’ll just get a tent :tent: -but gotta have somewhere water-proof for the books… Gulf-coast Texas is very rainy :cloud_with_rain: :umbrella:

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