Listings/Products for MakerPlace

We did get a response from the makerplacesellers email address;

Thank you for your interest in MakerPlace by Michaels! I’m sorry for the error you’re seeing! Our tech team is aware and is working on a fix. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s fixed so you can complete your store set up!

If I may be of further assistance, please let me know. I’m here to help!

So at least they know it is a bug, since they are working on a fix.

ETA; My right hand woman did try again this morning and it did start working again.

Last night 11:30 PM category pull-down not working. I didn’t fuss with cookies, browsers etc.; I just went and did some other things.

12:15 AM I checked and HOLY GUACAMOLE IT’S WORKING so I frantically listed non-stop until 1:30, just in case it gummed up again tomorrow (which is now today).

The absolute first thing I did this morning, before I even had breakfast, was to check the site — and it’s still working! Which puts the time table for the fix between 11:30pm and 12:15am (Pacific time) last night.

I’m up to 27 listings. Gonna list a few more before breakfast, I"m so excited. Haven’t made a sale yet, but I’m always (delusionally?) optimistic.

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So I got a different email today regarding pending items

Thank you for contacting us! Items are in “Pending Review” status when the listing is being manually reviewed to be assigned a proper tax code. This will generally take 1-3 business days.

So I emailed back asking why if it is tax related is it only on some items, and her response was

We have an automatic review process but it doesn’t work for all listings and some need to be manually reviewed.

Which didn’t really answer my question.

For my similar items it just makes it so much easier to duplicate an item and change a small thing, but I can’t duplicate items that are pending.

New Listing by same seller who is not supposed to be listing Digital Downloads.
“this is why we can’t have nice things”… TS
And main image shows 2 bottles but description says 1

So I hope everyone who had the category selection problem is no resolved. He is a nice reply I got on my support ticket. Alexandria seems to be working hard during this beta challenge as she has replied to all my support tickets.

Yeah I saw that earlier. I emailed support and they said to just report the listing.


Can someone kindly give me the link to creating the listing? I can’t get in through the link on my dashboard.

I only have 5. I put it on the back-burner so I can get live on Faire this weekend - this is next. Also wanted to wait for the bugs to get worked out a bit.

Think I am going to take a break from listing for a bit because so much seems to be broken.

I’ve figured out now that if I try to list in Home & Living, Home Decor, Wall Decor then my item gets hit with a Pending Review.

If I list in Home & Living, Lighting, Light pulls, switchplates, & accessories then my items instantly get listed.

Now when it comes to browsing, lots of things are broken.

For example there are TWO Home Decor/Wall Decor categories under Home & Living

Wall décor (2 of my items show up)
Home décor (None of my items show up)
Home d←cor (None of my items show up)
Wall d←cor (41 of my items show up)

Now the interesting thing is, I don’t think you show up in the Secondary Category, if you select something from the 3rd " Tertiary Category (Optional) ". Because Wall Decor is nested under Home Decor. I’m thinking if I just choose Home Decor and not Wall Decor as my third option I will maybe show up in Home Decor? (I can’t test this right now because anything I list in Home & Living>Home Decor hits pending).

If I go to Home & Living> Lighting (nothing of mine shows up)
Home & Living>Lighting>Light Pulls, switchplates & accessories (I have a few items show up).

So I am going to list a few items without choosing the 3rd category to see if they show up in the 2nd category.


Whew! Something was wrong with their backend, apparently. After back and forth with the case, they finally emailed me to tell me it’s fixed. I went to MakerPlace and voila! All the links work and it looks like I can create a listing now. Will try to do it on one of my slower Amazon days (when I’m feeling discouraged, like I need to have a backup plan).

You can choose the “Lead Time” (like Amazon production time):1-3, 4-7, 10 days, or longer. In addition to that, the shipping for USPS First class mail is set for 5 days.

Also, unlike Amazon the Maker Placer order doesn’t have a deliver by date.


Ok, so only choosing one category was not an option for me (listing wouldn’t move forward until I chose a second one). Now I have 2 listings “pending review.”

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To start, I plan to list only items I have in FBA. That way, I don’t have to put MakerPlace on vacation too often. Plus, if things get busy, I can just use MCF. Oh, and maybe list some of my aged inventory to hopefully clear that out.

@ModernSwitch how long did it take for your listings “pending review” to be shown to the public?


I haven’t had any pending yet that have been approved or denied, still just pending.
The first pending one I got is August 10th, and it’s the 17th now so it’s been pending for over a week.

Also got a bit freaked out because on mobile view, none of my pending items show up in my products and so at first I thought they all got deleted, but then I could still see them on my desktop version as well.

I’ll probably sit down and email support again, but I’ve sent so many support emails regarding pending items and I did send a support email I think it was yesterday about the category stuff from up above.

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Yippee!!! Got my first listing up. No glitches. I’m going to put my five best sellers up to see how they do.

How do they notify you of sales?

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I got an email notice, and then I checked on the dashboard’s side bar “Order”, and it’s there with all the info.

The main page of dashboard’s order section is like a day behind, it doesn’t show the order until the next day, so you need to check the “Order” link on the side bar to see if there is anything current.


Second order? That’s amazing! I wonder how long it will take me to get my first order. Some of my stuff is perfect for Michaels, but I don’t know if customers would shop for it on MakerPlace.

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Hope springs eternal. I jumped on MakerPlace yesterday and have a couple dozen products listed. :crossed_fingers: