Is there a downloadable report that shows Available and FC Transfer/Processing units for each day of a selected time period?
I need to calculate the “Average daily on-hand units” during specific time frames to forecast the “Historical Days of Supply” for the coming weeks, based on my average sales velocity.
Initially, I came up with a formula pulling data from the Country Day Inventory Ledger Report (csv), summing the “Starting Warehouse Balance” and “In Transit Between Warehouses” over the desired period, then dividing that total amount by the number of days in that time period.
I didn’t expect this data to be precise but hoped it would approximate the “Average daily on-hand units” visible in the “FBA Inventory” dashboard. In some instances the number gets somewhat close, however, in others, it’s quite off.
I believe one reason the data might be inaccurate is that the “Starting Warehouse Balance” may include reserved customer orders, among other factors, making it impossible to align with the official average provided by Amazon.
Therefore, I’m looking for a report that shows Available + FC Transfer/Processing over multiple days.
I don’t think one exists though. I hope to be wrong.
As a last resort, I could download the Restock Inventory report daily and aggregate the data, but it’s inconvenient to download the report every day.
What’s annoying is that such report is not schedulable, while it seems to be the only one showing Available and FC units.
The “Manage FBA Inventory” report is schedulable but combines all reserved units, without distinguishing the “Reserved Customer Orders,” which need to be excluded from the calculation.
It is refreshing to see that the “Restock Inventory” report is being phased out in favor of the IMPROVED “FBA Inventory Report”, which also doesn’t separate the reserved units.
If anyone knows of such a report, or has insights on better aggregating the Ledger data to include only Available + FC Transfer and Processing units, I would be grateful. Well built.
Not schedulable as well.
Thank you.