MARKETplace by Michael's. MARKET.

This is actually a Michael’s MarketPlace question which I can open a new topic for if necessary. I was hoping to engage some of you handmade sellers who have already signed up for MakerPlace and who also resell craft products on other sites. Did I read that some of the jewelry people do this?

I have been reselling craft products on Etsy and eBay since 2008. I see that Michael’s has MarketPlace for reselling craft products. When I tried to sign up for a MarketPlace account it came back with I am already a seller–I am a seller on MakerPlace, not MarketPlace.

I started to send them an email, but thought I would ask here and see if anyone else knows how to list in the MarketPlace section of Michael’s so I don’t have to wait days/weeks for an answer.

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I also sell craft supplies on ebay, but have not considered selling craft supplies on the Market side of Michael’s. Would Michael’s promote our craft supplies over their own? But it is still an option I would consider.



I tried to apply for MarketPlace, but they never approved me. Some of my products could be used as craft supplies.


I don’t know anything about MarketPlace.

But on MakerPlace there is a Shop Category for " Craft Supplies & Tools", which break down to different sub-categories that including “Sewing & Fiber” (sound like your kind of craft) which including several more categories, such as fabric

Since “Craft & Tools” is an official shop category, I assume you should be able to list crafting supplies there. Whether the craft supplies have to be made by us or they could be commercially made, I’m not sure.


Perhaps, but it is free to try. :upside_down_face:

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