Maybe Just a Coincidence

I’m not sure how, so thinking this just may be a coincidence…

ASIN B07WLQVQQW keeps popping up on the Amazon bot’s radar. I keep fixing it, they keep claiming they removed it, then they didn’t, it remained live, then they “reinstated” it, though live.

Fine. This ASIN wasn’t an insane seller, but has nice margins. Before I got removed over the “bamboo” debacle in March, was doing about 90-ish sales per month.

After I got the listing back, I’ve never been higher than 31 sales per month. Clearly losing the sales rank has created unrecoverable damage.

This summer the Amazon bot has been all over the ASIN, trying to do what it did back in March. I was looking at sales history and…

0 sales in September, 0 sales in October.

Probably just coincidence, but odd just the same.

This is after I dropped all the prices by 25% across all the variants. lower price, no sales.

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@casbboy are you certain that the ASIN is searchable (not merely viewable) by Buyers?

Can you get a buddy somewhere else in the country to go into private browsing mode, not logged in, and search your best keywords, to see if you show up?

*I can confirm that your ASIN is viewable.

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this is what I need to do. It’s definitely viewable, but I think removed from radar in any other way.