Merging children from different families

Can I do that?

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I think you have to unmerge (delete) at least one family first - Meaning the source family where the children are. Obviously, this means deleting the parent of said family.

And then add children to second family.

The above assumes two families. But if multiple children are being swapped to multiple families, then all source families where the children reside, will have to be broken, i.e. the parents deleted. Families broken, and then the same parents can be recreated and the appropriate families can be created.

No direct swaps.


Two children from the same family can be merged?

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You mean create a separate family for those two children into their own family?

Yep albeit indirectly just as described before. Not directly.

Delete children from current parent variations tab under edit. Noting Seller SKU and Product ID (ASIN).

Create New Parent. Add Children.

Some caveats are to make sure variation theme still exists the way you want. So obviously create new parent first.

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I meant delete one parent and move that child into the other child’s family and then merge.


Yes we have done that. However, some unintended consequences may pop up. Reviews may not consolidate, they may be split is just one.

If you can try it on a less popular product do that first. Then one at a time until you know it is working.

Of note, anyone off the street would think we are talking about divorce, blended families, orphaned and homeless children, adoption, twins, etc…

I will not even touch “Appropriate Families” and no direct swaps.

Only on Amazon.


Ugh, makes me want to just delete the second child.

Child A: 1 4-star review but much higher rank, probably because of its sibling. Sold 6 in the past 6 months. If I remove the parent, the rank would probably drop off a cliff.

Child B: 2 5-star reviews but only sold 2 in the past 6 months. Two people bought and two reviewed. (I know, right?)

Would love to somehow keep those reviews.

No problem except the review problem. I’m also assuming that the products are the same and that they’re only in two families to take up more digital real estate.

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I had one family be FBM and one family be FBA. Each family had the same variations (different sizes). I changed one particular size in the FBA family to FBM because it wasn’t selling well, so now I have two of the same size that are FBM and need to merge them.