Missing Bullet Points

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
^^ This is me crying tears of happiness - it WORKED!!! You are my hero today. Please know that this has caused me no small amount of misery for the past 3 days and you solved it for me. I only tested on one SKU and it is fixed and my bullet points are now there.

I truly truly cannot thank you enough for your patience and assistance!


So now you are on your way to be a master uploader! :rofl: Truly daunting at first. Baby steps, and when in doubt, PARTIAL UPDATE

Because I didn’t get a chance to split test the time it takes for changes to propagate to the listings once a complete or partial update file is uploaded (I opened case(s) and performed multiple partial update uploads within the span of 4-5 days) is it fair to say it takes <48 hours?

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I have done maybe 200+ uploads, and admit I do not check the results of each item as I have 1,000’s.

Static fields like description or price seem to update usually within minutes or hours.

But, fields like Photos and Variations seem to take much longer, but never more than an overnight wait.

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Mine showed up within maybe 10 minutes max? But it was just bullet points.

I will admit it will make updating my current listings much easier! I resisted, but now I’m so glad - with the help of everyone here - I can do it! I will never do anything but partial, though - I still like building the listings/variations online.

One more question, if I may: Do you update multiple SKUs with a single upload, or one at a time? Doing mine yesterday, even if the information for the SKUs was exactly the same (literally) - it would take 1 and reject 2, or take 2 and reject 1. I had to upload the same thing multiple times to get it through.

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Have you ever used the partial update to clear an error 8541 in the Category (item-type) attribute?

8541: The value ‘ABC’ specified cannot be used as it conflicts with the value ‘XYZ’ for ASIN

Some how either a bot or a hack decided to mess with 3 listings creating this issue. We have 13 items in this category type. 10 of them remain fine but 3 have this issue. It appeared after Amazon started changing the listing attributes in the Keyword area (Nov / Dec 2022). The listings are 12 years old and have been in the Category (item-type) this entire time.

We were going to try doing the Partial Update putting in SKU and just the Category (item-type) to see if it would clear but would like your thoughts first.

Added Note:
The Detail Pages show in the correct node but the Manage Inventory Edit page shows this error 8541 for the Category (item-type).

You literally have nothing to lose trying a partial update for category restoration.

Just fill in the 5 required fields along with the correct downloaded category browse node tab.

I obviously didn’t have the issue but using the browse node change tool my ASINS restricted from change and automatically go in bot review decline message loop.

It’s actually the back door I used to get “Search Suppressed” items reactivated.

As most were missing the bullet points.

The cases went like this.

The bullet points are not appearing on the detail page.
NO…We don’t want to change them
NO…We don’t want to update them
We just want them to appear.

Seller support has fixed this issue on other ASIN’s in the past by RESETTING it in the backend.
See cases:

If you do not have the available tools to reset an ASIN please ESCALATE this case to a higher team that does have the proper tools to make the bullet points appear on the Detail Page.

Thank you.


Our template shows a requirement of 16 of the attributes … ???

Does the number of required attributes change with different nodes ?
Or might we be using a different type of template from you ?

No clue…let’s take an example

Because you’re strictly trying to update your category browse node yes?

  1. I downloaded the specific template.

  2. I used the example tab Example 6, lines 52 and 53 for partial update instructions

  3. Since no fields are being updated except the category/browse data - only the required fields mentioned in 2. were filled in:

“SKU, Product ID, and Product ID Type, and set update_delete attribute to ‘PartialUpdate’. Only the fields with provided value will be updated while empty attributes will stay the same as previous value.”

This is what I did.

Just relooked at the template

So in your case if it is just the item_type you would select that from the drop down menu as well

So in your case after downloading category template by selecting correct browse node through product classifier tool:

“Product Type (Feed_Production) [drop down], SKU, Product ID, and Product ID Type, Item Type Keyword (item_type) [drop down] and finally set update_delete attribute to ‘PartialUpdate’ [drop-down]. Only the fields with provided value will be updated while empty attributes will stay the same as previous value.” - so the rest remains blank

So in your case it is 6 values

Basically … yes … trying to clear a 8541 error issue.
When we looked at the template that we downloaded in April, there was no Example 6 so we justed downloaded another template and bingo … there was Example 6.

Give it a try later or tomorrow and will give the results after.

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A PartialUpdate will not clear the error 8541 as the result returns that Amazon has it in another category / node … so a bot (or someone) has changed our category listing on 3 items to which the system will not allow updates unless we bow to the Amazon bot re-categorization of our items.

Suggestions ??? … seems like we are headed to opening a case and watch the wheel go spinning around.

  1. It took me 3 partial updates to fix the issue over the course of 6 days - with a wait time of 2 days for each update performed.

  2. If the node is changed - I would only do a partial update with the 5 values mentioned earlier without Item_type selected - do that until the node changes

  3. Once that is confirmed - then I would do a partial update with the item_type selected and perform updates with a 2 day wait time in between each update.

  4. I’m guessing - but my recall says that’s what I did. Meanwhile I opened cases but I doubt the cases had anything to do with it except me arguing with the case respondents to read the actual nature/concern of the case as opposed to giving me cookie cutter bs answers. I closed the case as soon as I saw the updates take effect. Just in case, this is through Brand Registry and then gets deferred to an internal team

  5. With the initial update performed the entire browse node tree was missing before the first inital partial update and then it updated without the final sub node - so in your case, if everything seems correct except the item type (which is strange) then, again do a partial update after downloading the new template without selecting item_type - do that 1 x or 2 x times and then wait the duration mentioned above.

  6. Finally continue with the item_type selected and repeat.

Hope it works.

Product Type (feed_product_type) is the error attribute.
Item Type Keyword (item_type) is okay and not giving an error … and is under the Product Type we have been using.


On our template (which we downloaded today), the Example 6 requires 8 attributes to be completed.


I just went into Manage Inventory Edit to take a snapshot of how the error appeared and unbelievable … the error is cleared on all 3 listings even though the excel upload came back as a fail for all 3 listings.

Ok … tomorrow … we will do another PartialUpdate and make a change to an attribute and see how the upload is handled.


Follow Up:

The 8541 error shown in Manage Inventory Edit cleared on the first PartialUpdate; however, the second PartialUpdate with an attribute changed only changed the attribute in the Manage Inventory Edit but not on the Product Detail Page. The 8541 error still appeared on the excel template file report. We did the second PartialUpdate with all 13 related items of which originally only showed the 8541 error in Manage Inventory Edit on 3 items. The second PartialUpdate returned 12 with the 8541 error on the excel template file report and 1 was successful.

Next up … a file UPDATE using one of the 8541 error listings to see what happens and a file UPDATE on the one listing that was successful so we can compare the results.

This happens all the time

Amazon will not do anything about it if something is tagged as brand registered.

Do them one at a time - isolate, isolate, isolate

also if they are parent child asins

then start the update with the parent first and make sure there are no errors there - then do the children thereafter