missing products

We sell coins and it looks like one of the facilities is undercounting all our products. They are asking for proof? We buy the coins from other dealers; are they just requiring a receipt from them? Additionally, they are asking for proof we sent them; what proof is that? It is to a new facility we’ve never sent them before and it looks like 5/5 packages are miscounted…

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You send coins to an Amazon warehouse?

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Yes. We are approved to sell coins on amazon making it complex on what specific proof for “supply chain” they are looking for.

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Amazon’s new program to lose your money twice.


Oh … look who coined a phrase …


That’s what it feels like lol

Is there a way to avoid certain warehouses?

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At least someone’s laughing (while I cry inside)

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My two cents… is that no, there is not a way to select a receive center.

By chance did they receive it in then remove a unit at another facility? Many times if there was a negative receipt at another FC it shows up in a few weeks/months.

Secondly, You can also try making an invoice to yourself and using that as proof being there is not a supply chain for coins.


No; there is a discrepancy between sent vs received in shipping.

That seems REALLY risky. Anything else to do?

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So the inventory ledger says you received X and there is no -X for that shipment?

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