Mouth Tape!?

Maybe i’m the only one that has never heard of such a thing but just the name sounds crazy

Catch up on this thread for more about mouth tape.


Reminds me of Tape Face from AGT


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Ok, I saw this news item also and was extremely confused.

Most anti-snoring aids deal with the nose, not the mouth. And definitely not covering your mouth… that’s how you typically wake up someone that’s snoring. :rofl:


ASINs B07C219D7D & B01CM2Z4SG when used together properly will permanently cure snoring problems, at least according to Patrick Wayne Kearney.

Well, then someone needs to inform the better ½.

There’s a sound reason why I wear shin guards to bed - even tho’ I’m not known to snore…


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It’s often used by people who use a CPAP machine. If they breathe through their mouth, the air comes out of their mouth, and it dries out their throats and makes an awful noise. Not to mention, the CPAP doesn’t work. Good mouth tapes have a hole that allows some air to go through in case the person needs to breathe by mouth, but it doesn’t allow the mouth to gape open. Don’t ask me how I know.


Good explanation. I dodged recommendations for CPAP machines. I think they are not necessary for many. Besides not being comfortable by any means, there’s the cleaning and upkeep.

Speaking from personal experience, they are definitely needed by many. In fact, I know many who need it but won’t even go get evaluated for it.

They don’t just hand them out like candy around here. They make you do a whole sleep study.


I agree. CPAP changed my brother’s life. Based on his recommendation several friends and family now have better lives, too. These were all sleep study certified.


One thing that a sleep study definitely can’t diagnose is your sleeping partner’s snoring. This summer, I have finally put my wifey foot down at Mr Papy. We have both benefitted from his use of anti-snoring nose clips*.

I don’t know why, I don’t know how, I don’t care.

*I do not sell these and am not in any way affiliated with any company that does. I neither receive nor am owed financial compensation from any entity for mentioning nose clips of any kind.

I refused to use a CPAP. I had numerous sleep studies and was recommended to use one. Finally my doctor suggested having surgery to cut out part of the roof of my mouth, have my sinuses enlarged and quit smoking. I did all of it and no longer need a CPAP. I will not even smoke green anymore, I make brownies…lol I did all this about 20 years ago, I no longer snore and get much better sleep.

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Who did this? :joy: :rofl:

So strange that would even work, I’ve often had restless nights where I thought about investing in a good shock collar though :rofl:


We got a bed where we can raise the head of the bed. This stopped 95% of the snoring. An occasional flopping a pillow over the head took care of the other 5%. Hey … don’t judge me … who doesn’t like a good pillow fight every now and then?

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As they should.
Sleep apnea is dangerous. Many/most patients stop breathing hundreds of times a night.
It puts a huge stress on the heart. If it’s suspected that someone has OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) they should get treatment ASAP.
CPAP works immediately and saves lives.

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That’s a very painful surgery glad it was successful for you.
You will live longer and healthier. :slight_smile:


@JustForFunStuff @papy

My ex snored like a freight train. And he had sleep apnea. He would stop breathing and then all of a sudden let out a gigantic snore/snort like a dam bursting.

He not only snored, he kicked and flailed his arms too. And then he ground his teeth while he slept. :grimacing:

I spent most nights sleeping on the couch. I couldn’t get any decent sleep with all that racket.

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I did a fairly long rotation in sleep medicine. For a quick moment, I considered opening a sleep center to address sleep issues that affected women and their quality of life - not including snoring spouses.
I can tell you CPAP/BiPAP saves lives.
What you mention is a minor inconvenience compared to the damage being done to your heart each time it stops during an apnea event. Which is more than likely hundreds of times per night.
CPAP can be lifesaving. A good pulmonologist/pulmonary team will ensure you’re fitted properly and you’re getting the maximum benefit from this therapy.
BiPap seems to be much more effective, prescribed most often these days.
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, especially OSA it is a serious condition.
Please reconsider the proper medical treatment. Honestly - it can make a huge difference in your quality of life (more daily energy, less stress to your heart… the list is long).