So, sometime at the end of May 2024, Amazon informed me that my products with button cell batteries needed safety certification under 4200A blah blah blah.
I contacted my supplier of the one product this was affecting, who had no idea about this new certification requirement so I didn’t have much hope they’d get anything done by my deadline of June 24.
Sure enough, Amazon started plucking my button cell product listings daily until I was left with nothing.
During this timeframe, looking more closely at the product, I discovered that it was in fact quite easy to crack the electronics case open by twisting a feature on the product and the case pops open and exposes the electronics and components and of course the batteries.
That further cemented my presumption that this product was never going to be certified for future sales on Amazon.
So now, it is September, and I just got test certification on this product from the supplier. IT PASSED. Torque testing should have failed, although I haven’t read the specifics of the lab equipment/configuration. One article I read mentions:
Pre-conditioning – stress relief and battery replacement tests as applicable
Abuse – drop (portable and hand-held products), impact, crush, torque, tension, and compression tests
Secureness – applicable to accessible button/coin cell batteries that are not intended for user removal and replacement
This has led me to the conclusion that this whole law is pointless. As a former materials testing technician, I do not understand how any test standard could be applied to products as varied as button cell products are.
Clearly, the product I am selling (intended for adults, btw) slipped through this testing procedure…