Oh, my. For those who are wondering, no, I was not browsing other sexual genitalia planters when this suggestion came up. Just plain old, run of the mill, completely G-rated nondescript flower pots.
I will say, the product video that the seller chose to create made me laugh out loud. I don’t know if they were trying to trigger that response, but the way they chose to handle the planter, and display different parts to you, oh my.
But seriously, I hate that anyone could be innocently searching for simple everyday items and then have to see this. It’s not pornography, but you’re not at a museum, either. I don’t want to be a prude, but it should be marked as an adult item.
All joking aside, isn’t it worrisome that Amazon ‘suggests’ a product like this when you’re just browsing regular planters? It seems like there would be plenty of people (not any of us, of course…) that would be offended by that, or not want their kids to see it.
I was pretty surprised to see it pop up at the top of the screen.
I guess whatever rocks your boat, but I agree that it is highly inappropriate and should be flagged and moved to the Adult section.
It also bothers me that there is no way to report listings anymore from the main page, it was probably highly misused by sellers/competitors, but there should be some sort of way for a buyer to flag this type of listing.