Now able to attach a file to an A to Z claim

So, am I blind and previously missed this or is this a brand new feature? I just realized there’s an attach file link when responding to A to Z claims. This could be incredibly useful. They limit you to one file.


New feature. It was a feature many have always requested.

The way around it previously was attach said file to either a case associated with the atoz or reply to an email? (I forget the exact details on the work around)


When they requested it, they asked us to email the customer and attach it to that. But there’s often things you don’t want to send the customer that you want Amazon to have.


But hey, that “one file” can have many screenshots or other info.

This is so much easier than having to put everything into a Buyer message, just for the sake of documentation.


That’s what I’ve been doing. And I’ve had mixed results so far. I’ve attached PDFs containing evidence to three fraudulent A to Z claims from yesterday and today.

There will be plenty of opportunities to do this as we got slammed with contacts from 24 triangulation fraud accounts on Sunday alone. That was the heaviest day, but we’re already up to 5 new contacts so far today.

Claim one: Contained delivery photo, GPS coordinates, the carrier’s map with the GPS coordinates pinpointed, proof of multiple fraudulent orders using the same claims and messages as the one represented and even screenshots of the emails from Amazon containing associated complaint IDs. The claim was granted. The file was attached again to the appeal and pointed out info in it. Appeal denied.

Claim two: Same situation and evidence but for that order and associated orders. The claim was granted. Attached again to the appeal, the decision was reversed in our favor.

Claim three: Same situation and evidence, still being investigated.