NSFE: I am unable to submit verification

I am unable to submit verification of the INFORM Consumers Act. (amazon.com)

Thread started four days ago with a common enough complaint. Reply from Atlas_Amazon today is just about as terse a “non-reply” as I have seen. In other words, OP, you are toast.

Thank you for sharing the case information. Based off the details available, our team will not be able to proceed in the process of verification at this time.

For any future updates that you receive, we ask that you refer to this thread for assistance.




Since this is their THIRD post on the same issue in the past four days I suspect that Atlas just forgot to include the link to the post that they want to filter everything into.

Two of the posts (including one from now 13 hours ago) are locked at this point.


This is the OP:

One reply suggested that OP try a different browser, which they reported also did not work.

:thinking: I’m wondering if OP ran into one of Amazon’s unpublished barriers to approval.


Probably a few face-palms among the moderators with situations like this.

@dwat0870 – thanks for the backstory. I read the new forums incognito so I can’t click previous history.

@papy – thanks for adding the original post. This is the first time I’ve posted in this category and I missed the memo.


Does anyone feel like asking for an update from OP on this NSFE thread? Also if they can clarify whether their account was suspended prior to the INFORM update?

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I can try to ask but right now when I attempt to log into the Forum I get this –

I may have broken it during a ‘discussion’ with a dropshipper about how using the tracking numbers that they receive THREE DAYS after shipping might be causing a 0 for their VTR.

They believe they only have to put in the numbers before delivery…


I had just finished reading that NSFE discussion, titled “VTR is 0% even though all my orders have valid tracking numbers.”, when the latest Amaglitch (link, SAS) occurred.

So yeah - YOU broke The `Net.

And I helped. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I just got in finally and asked if anything has progressed as well as the suspension timing issue.

The BAD news is the NSFE is back up so my – look a squirrel — attention span and work accomplished % will be screwed again…


Thank you for yo–

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