NSFE Top 4 threads are an embarrassment

I have not onboarded, never will, but these are the 4 threads Amazon default presents to any non-logged in user.

Nice Work Kate!

While I agree with you 100%, is this really any different than the top threads on the OFSE?

With the NSFE, you can see a lot more of the gory details but even soā€¦

Not sure I ever remember seeing positive things in trending threads.

Has anyone every authored a thread on any Amazon forum that said ā€œGreat Job Amazon, we love you, everything is beyond my expectations on this amazing marketplaceā€ :laughing: :roll_eyes:


To be fair, that thread is clearly sarcastic, though the mass of downvotes shows that nobody gets that and got pissed off thinking itā€™s serious.

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Sarcasm is a subtle thing, when visual and vocal cues are absent (as is often the case in written communications) - hence the need for the so-called ā€œ/sarc-offā€ tag.

Grandpa got it, though. :wink:


While true, the entire post is a satirical song about how great Amazon is.

I thought he was referring to this post btw, but I just noticed it has a different title:

Surely Iā€™d upvote this because itā€™s funny. But people are posting angry responses to it.


On the osfe they at least knew how to archive and delete threads to they didnā€™t appear on top!

The osfe also could be indexed. The nsfe is so poorly coded gooogle doesnā€™t touch it!


ā€œMost Viewedā€ says more about the idiots reading them than the NSFE, to me anyway.

Maybe they should be archived, but I donā€™t really see the need. My sugar is up to 250 though so Iā€™m not 100%. :slight_smile:


To be fair, I suspect that Iā€™m not-hardly the Lone Ranger in thinking that Iā€™d sooner have a mere 1% of you over 100% of some of the ninnies whoā€™ve bloomed like spring wildflowers over in Katieā€™s abomination.

May your recovery be swift.

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You just had to ask, didnā€™t youā€¦ I just noticed that @GGX beat me to it though.

I was out for a couple hours with my wife. Missed opportunitiesā€¦

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I remain convinced that the OP of the discussion you just removed the link for (and the ā€œMe Likeyā€ discussion by the same author that was wiped by the FMT/CMT) was posting tongue-in-cheek responses to this one from two prior:


Iā€™m pretty sure it was some really good drugs and there would be a huge market for the formula. Thereā€™s an obvious need for some ā€˜happy pillsā€™ ā€¦

And thereā€™s a solution for the need:

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Well, the top thread on Amazon forums (on the default homepage) is nowā€¦

Locked thread, nuff said

I see the joke mods evaluate things the same way Amazon bots do, by the # of flags on something and not on the merits of the content/flags.

Not that it is spam, just that they are retired of people reporting it.

Susan, you are better then that.

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Yes, as she SO superlatively demonstrated, to one and all, for many a year after Lauren & crew fled for greener pastures.

Thanks ever so much, Katie.