Odd Vendor Return/ Removal issue

2 units returned, status Customer Damaged. I waited for them to xfer around so I could submit a removal order. But…before I could, they got automatically “vendor returned” according to the inventory ledger. That was 3 weeks ago. No order from me, no auto-order from the system (they were only a week old), just two line items saying Vendor Returned (and yes gone from inventory).

Of course, I now figure they lost them. Opened a case trying to explain all this, and of course “we need your removal order number”… don’t got one. If I did, I’d have shipment info and have a different case. I don’t… I just have stray lines on a report and $120 of missing items as a result…

Anyway I can frame this so that support understands before I get “closed without an order number” in a loop. ?

Shot in the dark here, Can you open an additional case and request the return order # and or tracking info? Yeah that might confuse them even more

Maybe reference the Customer order #?


Not a chance in Hell.

We have 32 items locked up in Texas, the FC, that had the storm. Amazon Seller Support (Such a Oxymoron) kept telling us, well you have to wait 21 days, so the credit cards can clear, three 7 day periods. Bla, bla bla bla.

Yet the first sale on “hold” was December 26, 2022. The only thing that released the order is we send more cases of products.

Yet the original units are still on hold. Someone else in this new forum talked about it. They appeared to have been told the truth. I have not yet contacted support again. And I will not.

So tired of kissing frogs with no prince or princess as a result.



“Upon checking we see that the customer returned units were in a very bad condition and cannot be graded and stowed, so the units were liquidated since you have enabled the Automated unfulfillable settings.”

Nope. My settings are Return, not Dispose, not Liquidate…And the events don’t show disposal, they show vendor returns! These two items are good handmade sellers and I’ll be super pissed if I can’t get any traction on this. Unless the customer took a hammer to her earrings I would get good recovery off the materials alone…

Any suggestions on my next reply?

So sorry. This sounds like it will be tough getting SS to understand the situation. You can crash the invite only survey party on “Amazon returns” here https://survey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6QYyUoz3gRqjnsG
If nothing else you might feel better surveying how F’d up they are.

and considering the complete and utter garbage that has been accepted as a sellable return and sent back to me (even a used pocket knife for a handmade pair of earrings… stuff sent back in kitchen sandwich bags…) I find it hard to believe that two pairs of gemstone earrings were SO bad as to be destroyed.

I’ll fight this for a bit as it’s over $100 after fees…


Ok after a couple more tries, I got a response from Ebony who understood!

"After further investigation, I could not find a removal order for your FNSKUs. I contacted our internal team requesting reimbursement for your units. I can confirm that your removal settings are correct and set to return to seller.

I will contact you as soon as we have an update or if any further information is required from your side."

then…today, Alessandro dashed my hopes:

"Based on the information provided, Aerides, I comprehend that you would like for us to investigate the discrepancy of units for the FNSKUs XXX and YYY. Rest assure, we are happy to work on this matter in order to provide you the best resolution.

In this case, we have completed our investigation of lost inventory for FNSKU XXX and YYY and cannot find any current actionable Amazon fulfillment center lost events related to this product. If you disagree with this outcome, share the Transaction Item ID of the lost event in question with Selling Partner Support."

Yes, of course they can’t…

Because they liquidated them! Even though your settings (and I know that you had them set this way based on conversations in the OSFE) were to return the items.

And Amazon knows your settings are correct, they told you so.

But again, they can’t find them because they liquidated them. :man_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


This is the type of situation where I reply in all caps - and specifically ask them to read carefully what the problem really is! Could be risky if they consider the all caps as abusive behavior.

I swear they do not take the time to read for comprehension.

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Well they seem to be getting it (I think I’ve reopened the case 4 times now) - I got CS reimbursement for one of the items - of course the lower price one. But the case is still open.

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Ok final note - got them both reimbursed. Took about 7 case-reopens…

And they kept conflicting themselves:

Reps 1-4 didn’t get it, saying these earrings were so badly destroyed it was unsafe to store or ship them and my settings…blah blah… dude they are earrings not toxic waste. Unless Carrie wore them to her prom and returned them…

Rep 5 got it, said she’d ask for an investigation to reimburse
(i said nothing here)
Rep 6 said No Soup for You
(i said talk to rep 5)

  • reimbursement for one came thru
    Rep 7 said they got it
    (i said nothing again)
    Rep 8 said you are not getting any more for the other pair we do NOT take responsibility
  • i said nothing, head in hands but then the 2nd reimbursement came in overnight!

Just over $100, still hard to make it worth all the aggro.


Wow, you really had to work for those reimbursements! This is why I’m hesitant to do FBA even though I know it will greatly improve my sales - not sure I have the right temperament for the issues involved. Very happy that your persistence finally paid off.


aerides, I felt so angry for you having to go through all that. Really glad you finally got reimbursed.

the older I get, the less ■■■■■■■■ I’m willing to put up with.