Over the past 5 weeks or so, a buyer placed 5 orders for the same item, totaling 7 items at about $100 a piece. The orders were FBM, shipped on or before the ship by date, and all delivered well before the delivery deadline.
There was no contact on any of these orders, no return requests, nothing.
Early this morning, the buyer opened chargebacks for all 5 orders at once.
I responded to the chargebacks, and I’m confident that they will be rejected (at least the first time) since there is clear proof of shipment and delivery.
Is there any option I’m not aware of to report such an obviously abusive buyer? I don’t need this first thing in the morning.
There’s no guarantee that it will do much good, but Amazon does support a few mechanisms for situations like this via the Report abuse (link) Dashboard.
There are supposed to be 9 separate options displayed there, as shown in the screensnip below, but for the last 5 years or so there have been multiple reports of not everyone seeing all of them on their Dashboard:
I have already reported him through this dashboard, but I believe it has the same impact as an Amazon suggestion box. I doubt these reports ever see a pair a human eyes.
By and large, I don’t disagree with your astute assessment, but I can envision scenarios where having a record of reporting the abuse via the approved mechanism(s) might prove useful…
Amazon doesn’t like chargebacks as they like buyers to deal with issues through the A-Z system (though sometimes the A-Z system fails and a chargeback is necessary). If they’re continuously opening chargebacks their account should be closed pretty quickly, though it’s not that hard for people to open new buyer accounts.
This requires going OFF Amazon and this is the template that I use on the NSFE for sellers with any theft/fraud issue so ignore what doesn’t fit —
I don’t have a solution for Amazon allowing theft and fraud BUT if this was shipped using the USPS please report the issue to the Postal Inspectors as mail fraud.
ALSO the Government has a site IC3 (Amazon will remove the link if I put it here) where you can report the use of the internet for theft if it was UPS, FedEx or whatever. It is generally used to report on websites but it can be used to report buyers as well if you happen to encounter one of the Amazon scam crowd.
In all cases it at least puts the con artists into a data base for future reference by the authorities.
There’s an OLD saying – If you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem.